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Data for: The 3-dimensional genome drives the evolution of asymmetric gene duplicates via enhancer capture-divergence

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Dec 10, 2024 version files 43.31 GB

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Previous models of duplication-based new gene evolution have overlooked the role of genome architecture. The enhancer-capture divergence model provides a one-step mechanism for altering the expression of a pre-existing protein. By duplicating into a region of the genome that is under the influence of a pre-existing enhancer, distal duplication of an existing gene provides for immediate augmentation of spatiotemporal expression of the existing gene. In the related manuscript, we examine the local chromosomal conformations for a newly evolved gene HP6/Umbrea, which appears to have undergone the enhacer-capture divergence process. While all data from the associated manuscript are publicly available through permanent NCBI repositories, additional related 4C-Seq data was generated but did not appear in the final manuscript. The following data set consists of 1) raw reads from 4C-Seq experiments performed on D. melanogaster, D. yakuba, D. erecta, and D. pseudoobscura for HP6/Umbrea and a neighboring locus, 2) barcodes for de-multiplexing the reads, and 3) code for running analyses from the related manuscript.