Southern Greater Glider spotlighting surveys conducted in 2021 in the Victorian Central Highlands Australia
Data files
May 05, 2022 version files 6.07 KB
Data used for Elevation, disturbance, and forest type drive the occurrence of a specialist arboreal folivore as published in PLOS ONE. These are the results of Spotlighting surveys for Greater Gliders in the Victorian Central Highlands in Australia.
Data was collected spotlighting in the Victorian Central Highlands.
SiteCode: Unique study site identifier (1 hectare in size)
GreaterGlider: the number of greater gliders observed via spotlighting on the site
NoStags: The number of hollow bearing trees on the site
ForestAge: categorical variable with 4 levels (OG= old growth, 1926.1939 = fires occurring between 1926 and 1939, 1960-1990 = fires occurring between 160 and 1990, 2009)
MinTempGT20: the number of days the site experienced a minimum daily temperature above 20 degrees from 2015-2019
MaxTempGT35: the number of days the site experienced a maximum daily temperature above 35 degrees from 2015-2019
CanopyVisibility: excellent, moderate or poor.
DEMmASL10mRes: elevation in meters above sea level as measured by a digital elevation model with a 10m resolution.