Lwala household survey 2018-2019: Demographic, depression, and economic variables
Data files
Nov 16, 2021 version files 2.63 MB
This dataset is a subset of data collected during the Lwala Household Survey in 2018-2019. This was a large household survey in Migori County, Kenya undertaken by the Lwala Community Alliance to understand health metrics in the region. This subset of the overall survey data was used for a manuscript published in PLOS ONE to analyze the relationship between poverty and depression. It includes demographic, economic, and mental health variables. Each row represents a different respondent. All respondents live in separate households.
A cross-sectional survey was administered in five sub-locations in Migori County, Kenya between May 2018 and July 2019. It was collected using mobile tablets and the REDCap mobile application. Homes were randomnly selected for participation using a modified spin-the-bottle technique. The female head of house was surveyed if present, and the male head of house was surveyed if not. Data was exported from REDCap and analyzed in R for the associated manuscript.
Usage notes
Number of variables: 71
Number of rows: 4765
Variable list
- record_id: Arbitrary ID assigned by REDCap. Not used in analysis.
- region: Subregion of household within Migori County
- CK = Central Kamagambo, EK = East Kamagambo, NK = North Kamagambo, SK = South Kamagambo, Uriri = Uriri
- res_sex: Sex of respondent
- res_2: Age of respondent in years
- dem_q3: Marital status of respondent
- dem_q4: Religion of respondent
- dem_q5: Highest education level attained by respondent
- hshld_q11: Number of people living in household
- hshld_q12: Death of child under 5 years of age in household in last 5 years (yes/no)
- hshld_q14: Number of school-aged children in household (ages 5 to 18 years)
- age_1_hshld11: Age of first person living in household. Answers are in 5-year ranges.
- This variable recurs until age_20_hshld11 for each person in the household.
- school_1_hshldq14: First child in household in school (yes/no)
- This questin recurs until school_20_hshldq14 for each child in the household.
- econ_q2: Main source of income for the household
- econ_q9___1: Household has radio (Checked=yes, Unchecked=no)
- econ_q9___2: Household has television (Checked=yes, Unchecked=no)
- econ_q9___3: Household has refrigerator (Checked=yes, Unchecked=no)
- econ_q9___6: Household has a cell phone (Checked=yes, Unchecked=no)
- econ_q9___9: Household has a bicycle (Checked=yes, Unchecked=no)
- nutr_1: Member of household has been referred to facility for malnutrition (yes/no)
- wash_q1: Main source of drinking water in the household
- ment_q1: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by little interest or little happiness in doing things?
- ment_q2: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
- ment_q3: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?
- ment_q4: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling tired or having little energy?
- ment_q5: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by poor appetite or overeating?
- ment_q6: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
- ment_q7: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?
- ment_q8: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the oppositebeing so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?
- obv_q14: Predominant material used for floor of household
- obv_q15: Main source of lighting fuel for the household
- obv_q23: Fuel source normally used for cooking in the household
- obv_q24: Type of toilet facility used in the household
- obv_q25: Condition of toilet facility from obv_q24
Missing data
Missing variables are empty cells within the dataset. Missing variables are present either because the respondent refused to answer a given question or because a question did not apply within the household.