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Data from: Neurologic manifestations in an infant with COVID-19


Currently, there are over 1.9 million confirmed cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) globally with over 590,000 cases in the United States.1 The number of COVID-19 positive children in the United States is unknown. A report summarizing 72,314 COVID-19 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention noted 416 COVID-19 positive children under 10.2 An observational study at Wuhan Children's Hospital noted 31 COVID-19 positive children under 1 year with the youngest confirmed case in a 1 day old.3 Cases were largely characterized by upper respiratory tract infection or pneumonia, fever, cough and pharyngeal erythema.3 Concomitant neurologic problems have been reported amongst COVID-19 positive adult patients.