Data from: Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) echolocation click rates to support cue counting passive acoustic density estimation
Data files
May 31, 2023 version files 124.84 MB
The datasets correspond to the data used to obtain the results shown in the manuscript "Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) echolocation click rates to support cue counting passive acoustic density estimation".
When the manuscript is accepted we will also edit and add here the full reference including the DOI of the publication.
The narwhals were live-captured each August in 2013-2016, and 2019, at the Hjørnedal field station, located near the southwestern tip of Milne Land in the Scoresby Sound fjord complex. They were tagged with sound and movement biologging tags (Acousonde tags). Acoustic recordings were either continuous (4 whales, 25 811 Hz) or duty-cycled (4 whales), alternating between low and high sampling rates (8 min at 25 811 Hz, 7 min at 154 868 Hz). Tags were available for 8 narwhals, 2 males and 6 females. There are two different datasets. The first one corresponds to the original dataset, shared by Blackwell et al. (2018), consisting of time-depth profiles, at one-second resolution, with an associated time, clicking state (where 1 = clicking, 0 = non clicking), and depth for each second. The second dataset corresponds to the systematic random sampling of all clicking seconds in each record, where the length of the record determined the number of samples taken, within four predefined categories: 10, 100, 150, or 200 samples. Further data processing is done in, where all of the information is processed and merged for each dataset.
Usage notes
The data is in .txt format, the analysis done for the obtention of the results appearing in the manuscript used RStudio, and the code used to produce the results appearing in the manuscript is at the Git repository hosted here