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A phononic crystal coupled to a transmission line via an artificial atom. Experimental data for the article figures

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Sep 08, 2020 version files 9.65 MB


We study a phononic crystal interacting with an articial atom - a superconducting quantum system - in the quantum regime. The phononic crystal is made of a long lattice of narrow metallic stripes on a quatz surface. The articial atom in turn interacts with a transmission line. Therefore, two degrees of freedom of different nature, acoustic and electromagnetic, are coupled with a single quantum object. A scattering spectrum of propagating electromagnetic waves on the articial atom visualizes acoustic modes of the phononic crystal. We simulate the system and found quasinormal modes of our phononic crystal and their properties. The calculations are consistent with the experimentally found modes, which are tted to the dispersion branches of the phononic crystal near the rst Brillouin zone edge. Our geometry allows to realize effects of quantum acoustics on a simple and compact phononic crystal.