Data for: A small survey of introduced African fig fly (Zaprionus indianus) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in orchards of the eastern United States
Data files
Oct 06, 2023 version files 42.21 KB
The African fig fly, Zaprionus indianus (Gupta), is a generalist fruit fly that typically breeds in decaying fruits from over 70 plant species. The species has spread globally from its native range in tropical Africa, becoming an invasive pest on ripening figs in Brazil. First reported in the United States in 2005 in Florida, Z. indianus has since been documented as far north as Canada and is hypothesized to recolonize northwards from southern refugia each year. We sampled drosophilid communities over the growing season at two orchards in Virginia from 2020-2022 and 11 orchards along the East Coast during the fall of 2022 to quantify abundance of Z. indianus relative to other drosophilids across locations, seasons, and fruit crops. Massachusetts was the northernmost population, with no Z. indianus detected in Maine and no correlation between latitude and relative abundance. Variation in Z. indianus relative abundance was high between nearby orchards and abundance was higher on peaches relative to apples within orchards. Comparisons of seasonal abundance curves between two Virginia orchards showed similar dynamics across years with individuals first detected around July and becoming absent around December, with peaks in late summer and mid fall. The variation in seasonal and latitudinal abundance shown here highlight a need for broader sampling to accurately characterize the range, spread, and environmental tolerances of Z. indianus in North America.
README: Data for: A small survey of introduced African fig fly (Zaprionus indianus) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in orchards of the eastern United States
This dataset contains counts of wild Drosophilids collected from locations in the eastern United States from 2020 to 2022. All flies were identified as Z. indianus or other species.
Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Priscilla Erickson
Institution: University of Richmond
Address: Richmond, VA, USA
##List of files
- Zaprionus_wild_collections_master.csv This file contains all collection data from all locations. This data file is used for the majority of the analyses in the paper.
- lad_abund_map.csv This file contains the tabulated data for each latitudinal collection data as well as latitude and longitude information for each location and is used to generate Figure 1
- net_asp_analysis.csv This file contains only the sampling dates where both netting and aspirating were used to enable a comparison of the two methods
- apple_peach_analysis.csv This file contains only the sampling dates where both apples and peaches were sampled for the analysis of the two fruits.
- latitude_isofemale_regression.csv This file contains the data used to regress Z. indianus abundance against latitude
Relationship between files, if important: the smaller files are all subsets derived from Zaprionus_wild_collections_master.csv to simplify analysis
Description of the data and file structure
Description of Columns:
- location: where flies were collected.
- CM = Carter Mountain Orchard, Charlottesville, VA
- HPO = Hanover Peach Orchard, Richmond, VA
- Linvilla = Linvilla Orchard, Media, PA
- RAB = Red Apple Barn, Ellijay, GA
- FSP = Fruit and Spice Park, Homestead, FL
- HC = Hillcrest Orchard, Ellijay, GA
- Carver Hill = Carver Hill Orchard, Stowe, MA
- Westward = Westward Orchard, Stowe, MA
- HPH = Honey Pot Orchard, Stowe, MA
- Lyman = Lyman Orchard, Middlefield, CT
- Hansel= Hansel Orchard, North Yarmouth, ME
- RR = Rocky Ridge Orchard, Bowdoinham, ME
- date: the date the flies were collected
- species: whether flies were Z. indianus or not (other)
- vial: if flies were collected in multiple vials, which vial did the data come from?
- count: the number of flies of that species present in the vial. Note that "999" is a placeholder for a small number of collections where total number of flies was not recorded, but flies were scanned and 0 Z. indianus were detected. 999 should not be included in any total counts
- method: how flies were collected: netting (net), aspirating (asp), or both (net/asp)
- fruit: the type of fruit the flies were collected on, if recorded
- season: "lat" indicates that the flies were part of the latitudinal analysis; "season"" indicates part of the seasonal analysis
Description of columns
- date: the collection date in M/D/Y format
- location: where the flies were collected. See "location" for file number 1 above
- prop.zap: The proportion of all drosophilids collected that were Z. indianus
- The total number of Drosophilids collected
- n.zap: The number of Z. indianus collected
- n.other: The nubmer of non-Z.indianus collected
- lat: The latitude of the colleciton location
- long: The longitude of the collection location
Description of columns
- location: where flies were collected-see file 1 above
- date: the date the flies were collected
- species: whether flies were Z. indianus or not (other)
- vial: if flies were collected in multiple vials, which vial did the data come from?
- count: the number of flies of that species present in the vial. Note that "999" is a placeholder for a small number of collections where total number of flies was not recorded, but flies were scanned and 0 Z. indianus were detected. 999 should not be included in any total counts
- method: how flies were collected: netting (net), aspirating (asp), or both (net/asp)
- fruit: the type of fruit the flies were collected on, if recorded
Description of columns
- location: where the flies were collected. See "location" for file number 1 above
- date: the collection date in M/D/Y format
- fruit: whether flies were collected near apples or peaches
- zind: the number of Z. indianus sampled
- other: the number of non-Z.indianus drosophilids sampled
Description of columns
- orchard: where the flies were collected. See "location" for file number 1 above
- prop.zap: The proportion of all drosophilids collected that were Z. indianus
- latitude: the latitude of the collection location
- date: the collection date in M/D/Y format
Sharing/Access information
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data:
Data was derived from the following sources:
- all data produced from collections performed by the Erickson lab at University of Richmond
All data were analyzed in R with the scripts attached.
Field collections of wild Drosophilids were conducted by netting/aspirating/trapping flies at various orchards. Flies were sorted to identify species as Z. indianus or not and counts of Z. indianus and non-Z. indianus (other) were recorded.