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Leveraging genomics to understand threats to migratory birds

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Jul 28, 2021 version files 282.75 MB


Understanding of how risk factors affect populations across their annual cycle is a major challenge for conserving migratory birds. For example, disease outbreaks may happen on the breeding grounds, the wintering grounds, or during migration, and are expected to accelerate under climate change. The ability to identify the geographic origins of individuals impacted, especially outside of breeding areas, might make it possible to predict demographic trends and inform conservation decision making. However, such an effort is made more challenging by the degraded state of carcasses and resulting low quality of DNA available. Here we describe a rapid and low-cost approach for identifying the origins of birds sampled across their annual cycle that is robust even when DNA quality is poor. We illustrate the approach in the common loon (Gavia immer), an iconic migratory aquatic bird that is under increasing threat on both its breeding and wintering areas. Using 300 samples collected from across the breeding range we develop a panel of 158 SNP loci that diverge across six genetic subpopulations. Using this SNP panel we identify the breeding grounds for 167 live nonbreeding individuals and carcasses. For example, genetic assignment of loons sampled during botulism outbreaks in parts of the Great Lakes provide evidence for the significant role the lakes play as migratory stopover areas for loons that breed across wide swaths of Canada, and highlights the vulnerability of a large segment of the breeding population to botulism outbreaks that are occurring in the Great Lakes with increasing frequency. Our results illustrate that the use of SNP panels to identify breeding origins of carcasses collected during the non-breeding season can improve our understanding of the population-specific impacts of mortality from disease and anthropogenic stressors, ultimately allowing more effective management.