Supporting Files for Schiebelhut LM, Puritz JB & Dawson MN (2018) "Decimation by sea star wasting disease and rapid genetic change in a keystone species, Pisaster ochraceus" PNAS
Data files
Jun 25, 2018 version files 3.76 GB
The data files associated with Schiebelhut LM, Puritz JB & Dawson MN (2018) "Decimation by sea star wasting disease and rapid genetic change in a keystone species, Pisaster ochraceus" are deposited here, including: the commented bioinformatics code, raw SNP calls, filtered SNPs, and final haplotype calls.
Please see Schiebelhut et al. (2018) for detailed description of methods for data collection and processing.
Usage notes
Raw sequence data are deposited in NCBI SRA (SRP136569).
Information about individual specimens used in analyses: Sample_metadata.xlsx
Commented bioinformatics code: CommentedBioinformaticsCode.html
Raw SNP file: TotalRawSNPs_keep.Pisaster_171005.recode.vcf
Filtered SNP file: SNP.DP3g98maf01_85INDoutFIL.NO2a.HWE.FIL.recode.vcf
Filtered haplotype file: SNP.DP3g98maf01_85INDoutFIL.NO2a.HWE.FIL.recode_RADHAP.genepop