Data for: The effect of Pliocene regional climate changes on silicate weathering
Data files
Jan 06, 2023 version files 33.72 GB
This dataset stores the data of the article "The effect of Pliocene regional climate changes on silicate weathering: a potential amplifier of Pliocene-Pleistocene cooling",
(P. Maffre, J. Chiang & N. Swanson-Hysell, submitted to Climate of the Past).
This study uses a climate model (GCM) to reproduce an estimate of Pliocene Sea Surface Temperature (SST). The main GCM outputs of this modeling (with a slab ocean model) are stored in "GCM_outputs_for_GEOCLIM/", as well as the climatologies from ERA5 reanalysis. The other GCM outputs that were used in intermediary steps (coupled ocean-atmosphere, and fixed SST simulations) are stored in "other_GCM_outputs/". The forcing files (Q-flux) and other boundary conditions to run the "main" GCM simulations can be found in "other_GCM_outputs/Q-flux_derivation/", as well as the scripts used to generate them.
Secondly, the mentioned study uses the GCM outputs in "GCM_outputs_for_GEOCLIM/" as inputs for the silicate weathering model GEOCLIM-DynSoil-Steady-State (, to investigate weathering and equilibrium CO2 changes due to Pliocene SST conditions. The results of these simulations are stored in "GEOCLIM-DynSoil-Steady-State_outputs/".
The purpose of this dataset is to provide the raw outputs used to draw the conclusions of Maffre et al. (submitted to Climate of the Past), and to allow the experiments to be reproduced, by providing the scripts to generate the boundary conditions.