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The eco-evolutionary history of Madagascar presents unique challenges to tropical forest restoration

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May 17, 2022 version files 102.05 KB


High biodiversity and endemism combined with persistently high deforestation rates mark Madagascar as one of the hottest of biodiversity hotspots. Contemporary rising interest in large-scale reforestation, both globally and throughout Madagascar itself, presents a promising impetus for forest restoration and biodiversity conservation across the island. However, Madagascar may face unique restoration challenges due to its equally unique eco-evolutionary trajectory, which must be understood to enable successful ecological restoration. We conducted a systematic review of potential barriers to restoration for terrestrial forest biomes (rainforests, dry forests, subhumid highland forests) in Madagascar. Our results indicate that aboveground biomass recovery of Malagasy forests appears slower than other tropical forests. We suggest four key synergistic factors that inhibit restoration in Madagascar: (a) Lack of resilience to shifting nutrient and fire regimes arising from widespread high-intensity shifting cultivation; (b) Predominance of nutrient-poor, highly weathered ferralitic soils; (c) Vulnerability of regenerating native trees to competition with invasive species due to their evolutionary isolation; and (d) Low seed dispersal into regenerating forests due to the unique dependence of Malagasy trees on dispersal by forest-dependent endangered or extinct primates. However, we note that rigorous experimental study of regenerating forests in Madagascar is currently lacking. There is great opportunity and need for such research to disentangle drivers and interactions inhibiting forest restoration. These studies would enable reforestation practitioners to effectively capitalize on current global momentum to implement the large-scale restoration necessary for the conservation of Madagascar's numerous endemic species.