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Minimum Depth to Groundwater for the Coastal San Francisco Bay Area

Data files

Jun 02, 2017 version files 18.66 MB
Aug 04, 2017 version files 559.05 MB
Oct 26, 2017 version files 561.42 MB
Aug 24, 2018 version files 560.66 MB


This dataset shows estimated values for minimum depth to groundwater in the coastal Bay Area. The estimation is based on an interpolation that uses ground elevation data and minimum depth to water values measured at monitoring wells in the nine Bay Area counties over the past 20 years.

NOTE: The most recently uploaded data file (August 24, 2018) has the highest accuracy in the interpolation. Please use this file rather than the older versions.

A full description of the methods is available in the article where this dataset is published: Plane, E.; Hill, K.; May, C. A Rapid Assessment Method to Identify Potential Groundwater Flooding Hotspots as Sea Levels Rise in Coastal Cities. Water 201911, 2228.