Supplement 1: Challenges Faced by Neurology Trainees in a Neuro-Intervention Career Track
Data files
Oct 27, 2021 version files 17.30 KB
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Introduction: The widespread adoption of endovascular therapy (EVT) for emergent large vessel occlusion (LVO) has led to increased nationwide demand for neuro-interventionalists, heightened interest among Neurology residents to pursue neuro-intervention (NI) as a career, and increased importance of NI exposure for all Neurologists who care for patients with AIS. Currently, exposure to NI and its career path are not well-defined for Neurology trainees.
Methods: The Society for Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) Education Committee conducted a multi-center electronic survey directed towards Neurology residents, Vascular Neurology (VN), Neuro-critical care (NCC) and NI fellows in June 2018. 250 programs were invited to participate; 76 trainees completed the survey.
Results: Respondents self-identified as 22% PGY-2, 40% PGY-3/4, 30% VN fellows, and 8% NI or NCC fellows. 87% of trainees had greater than 2 months exposure to VN during residency, 41% to NCC and only 3% to NI. 68% of respondents had no exposure to NI during residency. While 72% felt that a background in Neurology was good preparation for NI, only 41% agreed that fellowship training pathway in NI is well structured for Neurology residents when compared to other sub-specialties.
Conclusion: In this survey, respondents identified lack of exposure to NI and a well-defined training pathway as obstacles towards pursuing NI as a career. These obstacles must be addressed for the continued development of NI as a sub-specialty of Neurology.
This dataset was collected as a SurveyMonkey sent out to Neurology residents and fellows in June 2018.