Consequences of arthropod community structure for an at-risk insectivorous bird
Data files
Jan 25, 2023 version files 661.22 KB
659.11 KB
2.10 KB
Jan 31, 2023 version files 743.79 KB
These data come from a study linking data on nestling diet, arthropod availability and nesting performance for the Coastal Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis) (Nell et al. 2023. Consequences of arthropod community structure for an at-risk insectivorous bird. PLoS One.). Three datas are included; first, the sequence data from DNA metabarcoding of wren nestlings used to characterize the arthropod diet of nestlings; second, data on arthropod community composition from major habitat elements (dominant plant species and bare ground) from 8 studied wren territories; and third, vegetation composition data of those same wren territories used to scale up arthropod data on individual habitat elements to territory-level estimates.
This dataset was collected in support of the paper Nell et al. 2023. Consequences of arthropod community structure for an at-risk insectivorous bird. PLoS One.
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