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Monthly mean temperature and salinity outputs from the Southern Ocean high-resolution (SOhi) simulation

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Jan 19, 2024 version files 79.07 GB

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The Southern Ocean high-resolution (SOhi) is a MITgcm simulation developed to understand ocean-ice interactions along the margin of Antarctica and better quantify ocean thermal forcing on the ice shelves. SOhi is a high-resolution extension of SOSE with a longitudinal resolution of 1/24 degrees (~1.2 km at 75S) from 85.5S and telescopes to 1/12 between 40S and 30S. It has a northern boundary at the equator forced by ECCOv4r4, uses a locally improved bathymetric model from GEBCO 2020, atmospheric forcing from ERA-5, and contains thermodynamically active ice shelves. SOhi is used to understand the mechanisms of heat transport around Antarctica in order to best constrain ocean thermal forcing on the Antarctic Ice Sheet.