Data from: Single target acuity for moving targets in the common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
Data files
May 30, 2024 version files 142.24 KB
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The common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) likely relies on vision for many vital behaviors that require the perception of small objects such as detection of prey items or body marks of conspecifics. A previous study documented the single target acuity (STA) for stationary targets. Under many, if not most, circumstances, however, objects of interest are moving which is why the current study tested the effect of the ecologically relevant parameter motion on sunfish STA. The STA was determined in two sunfish for targets moving randomly at a velocity of 3.4 deg/s. The STA for moving targets (0.144±0.002 deg) was equal to the STA for stationary targets obtained from the same fish individuals under the experimental conditions of this/the previous study. Our results contribute to a comprehensive understanding of fish vision, extending the large data set available on grating acuity.
README: Single target acuity for moving targets in the common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
The data set contains excel files with the raw data, session performances and threshold calculations of the two sunfishes.
Description of the data and file structure
File "raw_data" contains all the raw data from Hannah and Lina. The data are collected in pixels (px) and converted to degrees (deg) Included are also the psychometric functions of correct choices as a functions of visual angle to the target. Each data point represents the performance of the sunfish averaged over 36 presentations of the respective target. From the psychometric function, the STA threshold was determined as the 75% threshold by linear interpolation of the last suprathreshold value and the first subthreshold value.
File "session_performances" shows the correct choices in % of fish Hannah and Lina over time in the different stages.
File "thresholds" shows how we calucalted the thresholds of fish Hanna and Lina from the linear regressions found in file "raw_data"