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Rain Gauge Rainfall Collection Data obtained at 620 Sao Bento Street, Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Zip Code 07070-000, from Aug. 24, 2015 to Nov, 24, 2015

Data files

Nov 26, 2015 version files 12.89 KB


The dataset shows the amount of rainfall collected in a rain gauge outside my house in Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, from Aug. 24,2015 to Nov. 24, 2015. Data were gathered in order to test the following hypothesis: In Guarulhos-SP (Brazil), between the months of August and November (08/24/2015-11/24/2015), we will have a slightly fall in the amount of rain in comparison with 2014 and 2013 (not together) over the same period. Since Brazil has been in an intensive drought over the last two years, I suppose that we will not have large amounts of rain.