Data for: A mosquito parasite is locally adapted to its host but not temperature
Data files
Mar 19, 2024 version files 92.91 KB
Climate change will alter interactions between parasites and their hosts. Warming may affect patterns of local adaptation, shifting the environment to favor the parasite or host and thus changing the prevalence of disease. We assessed local adaptation to hosts and temperature in the facultative ciliate parasite Lambornella clarki, which infects the western tree hole mosquito Aedes sierrensis. We conducted laboratory infection experiments with mosquito larvae and parasites collected from across a climate gradient, pairing sympatric or allopatric populations across three temperatures that were either matched or mismatched to the source environment. L. clarki parasites were locally adapted to their hosts, with 2.6x higher infection rates on sympatric compared to allopatric populations, but were not locally adapted to temperature. Infection peaked at the intermediate temperature of 12.5°C, notably lower than the optimum temperature for free-living L. clarki growth, suggesting that the host’s immune response can play a significant role in mediating the outcome of infection. Our results highlight the importance of host selective pressure on parasites, despite the impact of temperature on infection success.
README: Data for "A mosquito parasite is locally adapted to its host but not temperature"
Paper associated with this data archive: "A mosquito parasite is locally adapted to its host but not temperature"
Kelsey Lyberger corresponding author
Johannah Farner
Lisa Couper
Erin A Mordecai
Citation: Lyberger, K, F Farner, L Couper, and E A Mordecai. 2024. A mosquito parasite is locally adapted to its host but not temperature. American Naturalist, Dryad Digital Repository,
Funding Sources: This work was supported by the NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology Program under Grant No. 2208947. EAM was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R35GM133439, R01AI168097, R01AI102918), the National Science Foundation (DEB-2011147, with Fogarty International Center), and the Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health, King Center on Global Development, and Woods Institute for the Environment. LC was funded by the Philippe Cohen Graduate Fellowship and the Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics. JF was funded by the Bing-Mooney Fellowship.
Description of the data: There are four datasets. Two are data from the growth experiment of Lambornella clarki grown in culture at different temperatures. The third is data from the infection experiment of Lambornella clarki into Aedes sierrensis mosquitoes. The fourth is the distance between populations measured in kilometers.
Description of the data and file structure
There are four data files and two code files.
This file contains data from the growth experiment.
This file contains data on maximum growth rates from the growth experiment.
This file contains data from the infection experiment.
This file contains data on the distance between populations.
NA represents that the field was not applicable. In column "notes" this means there was nothing important to note down. In the columns "cell_count_1" to "cell_count_5" this means there were no cells to count, i.e., when the larvae was not infected.
Column headings:
Day - day of the experiment (1-6)
Color - the color refers to the Lambornella population, the translation to the 3 letter codes in the text are given in GxE Lambo thermal performance.R
Replicate - replicate (1-5)
5C, 7C, 12C, 18C, 21C, 23C, 28C -these columns refer to the temperatures at which the cultures were incubated, recorded are the number of cells counted per 100ul subsample.
maxPop - the maximum growth rate of the free-living Lambornella clarki population
listpop - the Lambornella clarki population
Date - Calendar date
Day - day checked
Tray - ID for 6-well falcon plate
Temperature - temperature in degrees C
Aedes_pop - Aedes sierrensis population
Lambo_pop - Lambornella clarki population
Rep - replicate
num_encysted - number of larvae with cysts
num_survived - number of larvae survived
num_melanized - number of larvae with melanization spots
Lambo_presence - free-living Lambornella present in the water
notes - anything of note
cell_count_1 to cell_count_5 - the number of cells of Lambornella inside each of the 5 larvae.
Aedes_pop - the Aedes sierrensis population
Lambo_pop - the Lambornella clarki population
Distance_mi - the distance in miles between the two populations
Distance_km - the distance in kilometers between the two populations
Distance_temp - the difference in degrees C between the mean annual temperatures of the two populations.
Sharing/Access information
This data was collected by Kelsey Lyberger. Please contact if there are any questions.
This code runs the analysis and creates the figures for the Lambornella growth experiment.
This code runs the analysis and creates the figures for the infection experiment.
Code was run using R version 4.1.1
Below is a list of all R packages used and their versions.