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Bacteria isolated from bengal cat (Felis catus × Prionailurus bengalensis) anal sac secretions produce volatile compounds associated with animal signaling

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Apr 26, 2019 version files 40.30 MB


Anal sacs are an important odor producing organ found across the mammalian Order Carnivora. Secretions from the anal sac may be used as chemical signals by animals for behaviors ranging from defense to species recognition to signaling reproductive status. In addition, a recent study suggests that domestic cats utilize short-chain free fatty acids in anal sac secretions for individual recognition. The fermentation hypothesis is the idea that symbiotic microorganisms living in association with animals contribute to odor profiles used in chemical communication and that variation in these chemical signals reflects variation in the microbial community. Here we examine the fermentation hypothesis by characterizing volatile organic compounds (VOC) and bacterial isolated from anal sac secretions collected from a male bengal cat (Felis catus × Prionailurus bengalensis).

Both left and right anal sacs of a male bengal cat were manually expressed and collected. Half of the material was used in bacterial characterization and other half was used for VOC analysis. DNA was extracted from the secretions and used for a 16S rRNA gene based characterization of the microbial community. Additionally, some of the material was plated in order to isolate bacterial colonies. The same three taxa, Bacteroides fragilis, Tessaracoccus, and Finegoldia magna were abundant in the 16S data as well as isolated by culturing. Using SPME gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we tentatively identified 52 compounds from bengal cat anal sac secretions and 67 compounds from the three bacteria isolates. Among 67 compounds tentatively identified from bacteria isolates, 52 compounds were also found in the anal sac secretion.

We show that the bacterial community in the anal sac consists primarily of only a few abundant taxa and that isolates of these taxa produce numerous volatiles that are found in the combined anal sac volatile profile. Many of these volatiles are found in anal sac secretions from other carnivorans, and are also associated with known bacterial biosynthesis pathways. This supports the hypothesis that the anal sac is maintained at least in part to house bacteria that produce volatiles for the host.