Data from "Quantification of major particulate matter species from a single filter type using infrared spectroscopy – Application to a large-scale monitoring network"
Data files
Nov 28, 2021 version files 24.08 MB
This data set contains FT-IR data obtained from spectra of PTFE filters routinely in IMPROVE network during the time period 2015-2017, as well as the corresponding routine IMPROVE data for all ( ~160) IMPROVE sites except Korea. The data include PM2.5 aerosol concentrations measurements for organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), total carbon (TC), sulfate, nitrate, silicon, aluminum, calcium, titanium, iron, mass and light absorption. The data are in ug/m3. Some samples are excluded based on routine validation criteria used by IMPROVE including samples known to be contaminated by a diesel generator near the site. For additional information, refer to Debus et al., 2021, submitted.
This data was collected from FT-IR spectra of routinely collected PTFE samples in the IMPROVE network. PLS regressions were used to calibrate the spectra to routine IMPROVE data from 21 sites to predict concentrations at all sites. The 21 sites were selected based on a Gaussian Mixture Model of the spectra. A separate PLS calibration using biomass burning samples was used for samples identified as biomass burning using spectral features of smoke.