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Data associated with manuscript "Predicting wave-induced sediment resuspension at the perimeter of lakes using a steady-state spectral wave model"


This repository includes data associated with the manuscript, "Predicting wave-induced sediment resuspension at the perimeter of lakes using a steady-state spectral wave model," currently in press at Water Resources Research as of January 2019. Following American Geophysical Union standards, this repository serves to publically share all data associated with the manuscript.

Plain lanuage summary of the manuscript: A tool that describes lake-wide wave conditions as a function of combinations of wind speeds and directions is tested using two years of wave height and water clarity data from six nearshore locations at Lake Tahoe. The data confirm the modeling tool’s ability to predict wave-driven motion of lake-bed sediments. An example application details seasonal and inter-annual variability in wind-wave influence at the perimeter of Lake Tahoe. Due to the prevailing southwesterly winds, exposed sections of the north and east shores of the lake can see upwards of 3000 hours of sediment resuspension-inducing wave conditions per year, while the south and west shores are comparatively calm. In representative year 2016, wave forcing was more prevalent in the fall and winter seasons.