Topographic data to support the analysis of error and uncertainty that degrade topographic corrections of remotely sensed data
Data files
Aug 12, 2022 version files 1.28 GB
697.76 MB
22.58 MB
7.18 MB
173.99 MB
22.69 MB
9.22 MB
5.59 KB
20.53 MB
324.27 MB
Eight zip files comprise the dataset. Each set of files (Carson, Himachal Pradesh, Wrangell) contains digital elevation data for the same area but from different data sources. The finer-resolution data (3m for Carson, 8m for Himachal Pradesh, 5m for Wrangell) were derived, respectively, from airborne lidar, structure-from-motion from fine-resolution commercial satellite imagery, and airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar. The coarser-resolution but globally available data are from the Copernicus DEM and the NASADEM (NDEM). The NASADEM extends to 60° North, so does not cover the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska; therefore in this region only the interoferometric SAR and Copernicus DEM are available. In each of the other two areas, DEM data from three sources are provided.
As noted in the Abstract, the finer-resolution data were collected from airborne lidar, structure-from-motion from fine-resolution satellite imagery, and interferometric synthetic aperture radar. The NASADEM values come from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and stereo-photogrametry from ASTER. The Copernicus DEMs are created from TanDEM-X data. The NASADEM and Copernicus DEM are at 1 arcsecond spatial resolution.
Usage notes
Each zip file contains one GeoTIFF file of the same name.