Data For: Diet changes thermal acclimation capacity, but not acclimation rate in a marine ectotherm (Girella nigricans) during warming
Data files
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Global climate change is increasing thermal variability in coastal marine environments and the frequency, intensity, and duration of marine heatwaves. At the same time, food availability and quality are being altered by anthropogenic environmental changes. Marine ectotherms often cope with changes in temperature through physiological acclimation, which can take several weeks and is a nutritionally demanding process. Here, we tested the hypothesis that different ecologically relevant diets (omnivorous, herbivorous, carnivorous) impact thermal acclimation rate and capacity, using a temperate omnivorous fish as a model (opaleye; Girella nigricans). We measured acute thermal performance curves for maximum heart rate because cardiac function has been observed to set upper thermal limits in ectotherms. Opaleye acclimated rapidly after raising water temperatures, but their thermal limits and acclimation rate were not affected by their diet. However, the fish’s acclimation capacity for maximum heart rate was sensitive to diet, with fish in the herbivorous treatment displaying the smallest change in heart rate throughout acclimation. Mechanistically, ventricle fatty acid composition differed with diet treatment and was related to cardiac performance in ways consistent with homoviscous adaptation. Our results suggest that diet is an important, but often overlooked, determinant of thermal performance in ectotherms on environmentally relevant timescales.
README: Data For: Diet Changes Thermal Acclimation Capacity, but not Acclimation Rate in a Marine Ectotherm (Girella Nigricans) During Warming
1. Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Dr. Erika Eliason
Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
B. Corresponding Author Contact Information
Name: Emily Hardison
Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
2. Date range of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2021 - 2022
3. Geographic location of data collection: Santa Barbara, California, USA
4. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:
This work was supported by a Hellman Family Faculty Fellowship and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Additional funding for E.A.H. was provided by National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and the Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research Project. Additional support for G.S. was provided by the Tri-County Blood Bank Post-Doctoral Fellowship. We thank the Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research Project under the National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement #OCE-1831937.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: N/A
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: N/A
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: N/A
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: N/A
5. Was data derived from another source? no
1. File List:
Hardison2022_ABT_data.csv - contains data from Hot Arrhenius breakpoint test on the heart
Hardison2022_ventricle_FattyAcid.csv - contains ventricle fatty acid composition data and relevant cardiac performance metrics
hardison2022_abt_TPC_data.csv - contains data to generate figure 1 (TPC for fhmax).
Hardison2022_figure4_values.csv - contains mean values of peak fhmax from the literature and this study for generating figure 4 of the manuscript
Hardison2022_coldABT_data.csv - contains data from Cold Arrhenius breakpoint test on the heart
1. Description of methods used for collection/generation/processing of data:
Please see main manuscript for detailed information regarding the methods used to collect/analyze this data
2. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Emily Hardison, Gail Schwieterman, Erika Eliason
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: hardison2022_abt_TPC_data.csv
1. Number of variables: 8
2. Number of cases/rows: 1130
3. Variable List:
- fish_id = Unique identifier assigned to each fish's data. Note that this identifier is unique to this dataset.
- replicate_number = the study was conducted over 5 replicates. The replicate each fish was tested in is indicated in this column.
- diet_treatment = Diet treatment (omnivorous = Omni or carnivorous = Carn, herbivorous = Herb)
- bm_g = body mass of the fish in grams
- timepoint = timepoint of test (either day 0, 1, 3, 7, 14), where day 0 was after 2 weeks of acclimation to 12°C and day 14 was after 2 weeks of acclimation to 20°C
- bm_g = body mass of the fish in grams
- acute_temperature = the temperature (°C) corresponding to the fHmax taken at each ~degree interval during the ABT test
- fh_bpm = Maximum heart rate in beats per minute at each acute temperature increase
- t_arr = Temperature (in °C) corresponding to onset of cardiac arrhythmia
1. Number of variables: 10
2. Number of cases/rows: 153
3. Variable List:
- row_id = Unique identifier assigned to each fish's data. Note that this identifier is unique to this dataset.
- Timepoint = timepoint of test (either day 0, 1, 3, 7, 14), where day 0 was after 2 weeks of acclimation to 12°C and all other timepoints were after ramping to 20°C
- Replicate_number = the study was conducted over 5 replicates. The replicate each fish was tested in is indicated in this column.
- diet_treatment = Diet treatment (omnivorous = Omni or carnivorous = Carn, herbivorous = Herb)
- bm_g = body mass of the fish in grams
- t_abt = Arrhenius breakpoint temperature in °C
- t_peak = Temperature (in °C) corresponding to maximum overall heart rate
- t_arr = Temperature (in °C) corresponding to onset of cardiac arrhythmia
- peak_fhmax = Maximum overall heart rate in beats per minute
- liver_mass_g = liver mass of the fish in grams
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hardison2022_figure4_values.csv
1. Number of variables: 5
2. Number of cases/rows: 1130
3. Variable List:
- data_source = where the data came from (either a quick cite from the literature, direct from the harbor, or from treatment level means in the current study)
- acclimation_temperature = acclimation temperature in °C
- peak_fhmax = Maximum overall heart rate in beats per minute
- se_peak_fhmax = standard error for overall heart rate in beats per minute
- diet_treatment = Diet treatment (omnivorous = Omni or carnivorous = Carn, herbivorous = Herb) - only relevant to treatment level means in the current study
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hardison2022_ventricle_FattyAcid.csv
1. Number of variables: 53
2. Number of cases/rows: 54
3. Variable List:
- row_id = Unique identifier assigned to each fish's data. Note that this identifier is unique to this dataset.
- diet_treatment =Diet treatment (omnivorous = Omni or carnivorous = Carn, herbivorous = Herb)
- timepoint = timepoint of test (either day 0 or 14 for this dataset), where day 0 was after 2 weeks of acclimation to 12°C and day 14 was after ramping to 20°C for two weeks
acclimation_temp = Acclimation temperature in °C (12 or 20°C)
12_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 12 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
14_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 14 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
15_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 15 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
16_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 16 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
16_1= total amount of fatty acid with chain length 16 and 1 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
17_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 17 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
17_1= total amount of fatty acid with chain length 17 and 1 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
18_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 18 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
18_1= total amount of fatty acid with chain length 18 and 1 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
18_2 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 18 and 2 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
18_3_n3 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 18 and 3 double bonds (n3 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
18_3_n6 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 18 and 3 double bonds (n6 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
18_4 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 18 and 4 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
20_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
20_1 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 1 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
20_2 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 2 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
20_3_n3 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 3 double bonds (n3 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
20_3_n6 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 3 double bonds (n6 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
20_3_n9 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 3 double bonds (n9 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
20_4 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 4 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
20_5 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 20 and 5 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
22_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
22_1 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 1 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
22_2 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 2 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
22_3 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 3 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
22_4 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 4 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
22_5_n3 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 5 double bonds (n3 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
22_5_n6 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 5 double bonds (n6 double bond included) in pmol/mg tissue
22_6 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 22 and 6 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
23_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 23 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
24_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 24 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
24_1 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 24 and 1 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
26_0 = total amount of fatty acid with chain length 26 and 0 double bonds in pmol/mg tissue
total_fa = total fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
SFA = total saturated fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
MUFA = total monounsaturated fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
PUFA = total polyunsaturated fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
HUFA = total polyunsaturated fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
DBI = Double Bond Index
chain_length_index = Average chain length of fatty acids
omega_3 = total omega-3 fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
omega_6 = total omega-6 fatty acid composition in pmol/mg tissue
n3_n6_ratio = ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids
peak_fhmax = Maximum overall heart rate in beats per minute
t_peak = Temperature (in °C) corresponding to maximum overall heart rate
t_arr = Temperature (in °C) corresponding to onset of cardiac arrhythmia
ventricle_mass = ventricle mass of the fish in grams
fhmax_20 = maximum heart rate at 20°C in 20°C acclimated fish
fhmax_12 = maximum heart rate at 12°C in 12°C acclimated fish. NA indicates fish where the test started at >12.7°C and therefore, an estimate of fhmax at 12°C was not obtained
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Hardison2021_coldABT_data.csv
1. Number of variables: 6
2. Number of cases/rows: 19
3. Variable List:
- row_id = Unique identifier assigned to each fish's data. Note that this identifier is unique to this dataset.
- Replicate_number = the study was conducted over 5 replicates. The replicate each fish was tested in is indicated in this column.
- diet_treatment = Diet treatment (omnivorous = Omni or carnivorous = Carn, herbivorous = Herb)
- bm_g = body mass of the fish in grams
- cold_tarr = Temperature (in °C) corresponding to onset of cardiac arrhythmia
- liver_mass_g = liver mass of the fish in grams
Usage notes
R code included. Data files are described in the and open in any application that supports CSV files.