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Climatology of Sundowner Winds in Coastal Santa Barbara, California, Based on 30 yr High Resolution WRF Downscaling


Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.0.1 was used to produce a 32 yr high-resolution (1km horizontal grid spacing and hourly resolution) downscaling climatology over Santa Barbara County.

Data in this repository contain surface meteorological variables from WRF downscaling simulations during a series of Sundowner wind events. The list of events is: 
-- Painted Cave Fire 1990: 26-June, 27-June, 28-June
-- Tea Fire 2008: 13-November, 14-November
-- 2004: 24-April, 27-April, 28-April, 2-May, 3-May
-- Jesusita Fire 2009: 5-May, 6-May, 7-May, 8-May, 
-- Sherpa Fire 2016: 15-June, 16-June
-- Whittier Fire 2017: 6-July, 8-July
-- 2017: 11-March, 12-March

Users interested in accessing the entire 32-year WRF downscaling dataset, please contact: Charles Jones at