Imaging files for: ACD15, ACD21, and SLN regulate accumulation and mobility of MBD6 to silence genes and transposable elements
Data files
Oct 12, 2023 version files 24.85 GB
It's well known that DNA methylation is linked to gene silencing but the mechanisms of how proteins that bind the DNA methylation cause gene silencing remains unclear. We demonstrated that the novel MBD5/6 complex contains three chaperone proteins, called ACD15, ACD21, and SLN, which specifically mediate the gene silencing function. ACD15 and ACD21 bridge the interaction of SLN to MBD5 and/or MBD6 while also functioning to drive the accumulation of the MBD5/6 complex at CG methylation sites. We further discovered that SLN also regulates the accumulation of the MBD5/6 complex and regulates the turnover of all protein members once accumulated at meCG sites.
To demonstrate these results we primarily used fluorescence, confocal microscopy using RFP tagged MBD6, YFP tagged ACD15, and CFP tagg ACD21 and SLN imaging the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. We expressed these constructs either alone or together in multiple mutant lines including mbd5 mbd6, acd15, acd21, acd15 acd21, sln, and acd15 acd21 sln mutant plants. We also truncated MBD6 to remove the C terminus, called the C term deletion, as well as a version of MBD6 lacking the C terminus but with the domain necessary for interaction with ACD15 added back (MBD6 plus StkyC). With these microscopy experiments, we were able to demonstrate the specificity of ACD15 for the StkyC domain, the function of the chaperone proteins, and linke protein accumulation with gene silencing.
README: Imaging files for "ACD15, ACD21, and SLN regulate accumulation and mobility of MBD6 to silence genes and transposable elements."
This microscopy data was used for figures throughout the manuscript and is available for others to view.
Description of the data and file structure
These files are all image files from the Zeiss confocal microscope. To open these files use Zen software and/or ImageJ.
The names of the files follow the general nomenclature:
genotype background_Protein(s) Imaged_possible second protein imaged_Date and/or replicate of the Image_type of experiment (i.e. Z stack or FRAP).
All MBD6 alleles are RFP tagged, all ACD15 are YFP tagged, all ACD21 are CFP tagged, and all SLN are CFP tagged.
- MBD6 RFP in acd double mutant imaged in 08202022.
"acd_MBD6 RFP_ACD15 YFP_08202022"
- MBD6 RFP and ACD15 YFP expressed in acd double mutant imaged on 08202022.
General Naming guidelines:
- ACD21=acd21 mutant
- ACD15=acd15 mutant
- SLN=sln mutant
- "acd"=acd15 acd21 double mutant
- "triple"= acd15 acd21 sln triple mutant
- "MBD56"=mbd5 mbd6 double mutant
- MBD6 C term or MBD6 C deletion=MBD6 C terminus deletion RFP
- MBD6 plus StkyC or MBD6 1.2 or MBD6 StkyC= MBD6 C terminal deletion with StkyC domain added back RFP
- MBD6 N term or MBD6 N term deletion=MBD6 with the C terminus of the protein deleted RFP.
Sharing/Access information
Here is a link to download the Zen software:
Here is a link to download the ImageJ Software:
To analyze FRAP data, we used the following website:
To count any nuclear foci use the 3D object counter function in the ImageJ software.
All of this data was obtained using confocal, fluorescence microscopy with 40xwater objective.