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Strong evidence for positive and negative correlational selection revealed by recreating ancestral variation

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Nov 03, 2022 version files 79 KB


The study of adaptation helps explain biodiversity and predict future evolution. Yet the process of adaptation can be difficult to observe due to limited phenotypic variation in contemporary populations. Furthermore, the scarcity of male fitness estimates has made it difficult to both understand adaptation and evaluate sexual conflict hypotheses. We addressed both issues in our study of two anther position traits in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum): anther exsertion (long filament − corolla tube lengths) and anther separation (long − short filament lengths). These traits affect pollination efficiency and are particularly interesting due to the unusually high correlations among their component traits. We measured selection through male and female fitness on wild radish plants from populations artificially selected to recreate ancestral variation in each anther trait. We found little evidence for conflicts between male and female function. We found strong evidence for stabilizing selection on anther exsertion and disruptive selection on anther separation, indicating positive and negative correlational selection on the component traits. Intermediate levels of exsertion are likely an adaptation to best contact small bees. The function of anther separation is less clear, but future studies might investigate pollen placement on pollinators and compare species possessing multiple stamen types.