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Data from: Contrasting patterns of X-chromosome divergence underlie multiple sex-ratio polymorphisms in stalk-eyed flies

Data files

Jul 10, 2017 version files 102.97 KB
Jul 21, 2017 version files 126.36 KB


Sex-linked segregation distorters cause offspring sex ratios to differ from equality. Theory predicts that such selfish alleles may either go to fixation and cause extinction, reach a stable polymorphism, or initiate an evolutionary arms race with genetic modifiers. The extent to which a sex ratio distorter follows any of these trajectories in nature is poorly known. Here we used X-linked sequence and simple tandem repeat data for three sympatric species of stalk-eyed flies (Teleopsis whitei and two cryptic species of T. dalmanni) to infer the evolution of distorting X chromosomes. By screening large numbers of field and recently lab-bred flies we found no evidence of males with strongly female-biased sex ratio phenotypes (SR) in one species but high frequencies of SR males in the other two species. In the two species with SR males, we find contrasting patterns of X chromosome evolution. T. dalmanni - 1 shows chromosome-wide differences between sex-ratio (XSR) and standard (XST) X chromosomes consistent with a relatively old sex-ratio haplotype based on evidence including genetic divergence, an inversion polymorphism, and reduced recombination among XSR chromosomes relative to XST chromosomes. In contrast, we found no evidence of genetic divergence on the X between males with female-biased and non-biased sex ratios in T. whitei. Taken with previous studies that found evidence of genetic suppression of sex ratio distortion in this clade, our results illustrate that sex ratio modification in these flies is undergoing recurrent evolution with diverse genomic consequences.