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Global Ocean particulate organic phosphorus, carbon, oxygen for respiration, and nitrogen (GO-POPCORN) data from Bio-GO-SHIP cruises

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Tanioka, Tatsuro et al. (2022). Global Ocean particulate organic phosphorus, carbon, oxygen for respiration, and nitrogen (GO-POPCORN) data from Bio-GO-SHIP cruises [Dataset]. Dryad.


Here, we present the Global Ocean Particulate Organic Phosphorus, Carbon, Oxygen for Respiration, and Nitrogen (GO-POPCORN) dataset with data from the recent Bio-GO-SHIP cruises between 2011 and 2020 supplemented with data from Arctic IERP cruises. The dataset contains 2581 paired measurements of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from 70°S to 73°N across all major ocean basins. The dataset also includes 965 measurements of particulate chemical oxygen demand. This new dataset is valuable for improving our understanding of how biological elemental stoichiometry plays a role in regulating both the marine nutrient cycles and the global carbon cycle.


GO-POPCORN v2 comprises samples from 12 recent cruises between 2011 and 2020. These sampling efforts have been supported by GO-SHIP (C13.5, I07N, I09N, and P18), SOCCOM and Plymouth Marine Laboratory Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT-28), National Science Foundation Dimensions of Biodiversity (AE1319, BVAL46, NH1418), and North Pacific Research Board Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (OS1701, OS1901, SKQ201709S, SKQ201813S). The dataset contains 2664 measurements of POC, 2653 measurements of PON, 2899 measurements of POP (2581 are paired POC, PON, and POP), and 965 measurements of PCOD (Particulate Chemical Oxygen Demand). The dataset covers the latitudinal range from 70°S to 73°N across 2188 stations using a consistent methodology and quality control. Most of the paired CNP samples were collected in the surface ocean at the top 5 m of the water column (2093 out of 2581 paired CNP samples are from the top 5 m).

The POM samples were collected and analyzed using the consistent sampling method described previously. Briefly, 3-8 L seawater was collected from the flow-through underway system or CTD and was filtered using 30 µM nylon mesh to remove large particles from the sample. Samples were collected on GF/F filters (Whatman, nominal poresize 0.7 µm) that were precombusted at 500 °C for 5h. POC and PON samples were measured using a CN Flash 1112 EA or 240-XA/440-XA elemental analyzer. Inorganic carbonates were removed using concentrated hydrochloric acid fumes before analysis by storing filters in a desiccator for 24 hours. POP was analyzed using the ash-hydrolysis method described previously. PCOD was quantified using the assay based on the determination of residual potassium dichromate following organic matter oxidation with silver sulfate as the catalyst under the strongly acidic condition at 150°C. Mercuric sulfate was added to remove the interference of chloride ions from the precipitation of silver chloride. POC, PON, and POP were sampled in triplicate, and PCOD was sampled in sextuplicate whenever possible. Here, we report the mean POM and PCOD concentrations of the replicate samples. 

We also report here for each station (1) ambient sea surface temperature measured from the CTD rig (in °C), (2) surface nitrate (in μM), (3) surface nitrite (in μM), (4) surface phosphate (in μM), and (5) nutricline depth (a depth at which nitrate equals 1 μM) interpolated from nitrate depth profile). "0" indicates concentration below the detection limit, and "NA" indicates no data.

Usage notes

This dataset is the most comprehensive compilation of paired measurements of surface POM and PCOD globally. GO-POPCORN dataset is expected to grow, and additional samples will be added from scheduled GO-SHIP transects in the Indian (I05N) and Pacific Oceans (P02W and P02E). The dataset can be used to identify regional and global patterns of C:N:P:-O2 with respect to changes in environmental variables such as temperature, nutrients, and plankton community composition.

When using this dataset please cite:

Tanioka, T., Garcia, C.A., Larkin, A.A. et al. Global patterns and predictors of C:N:P in marine ecosystems. Commun Earth Environ 3, 271 (2022).

Tanioka, T., Larkin, A., Moreno, A., Brock, M., Fagan, A., Garcia, C., Garcia, N., Gerace, S., Lee, J., Lomas, M.,  & Martiny, A. (2022). Global Ocean Particulate Organic Phosphorus, Carbon, Oxygen for Respiration, and Nitrogen (GO-POPCORN). Scientific data (2022).



National Science Foundation, Award: OCE-1046297

National Science Foundation, Award: OCE-1559002

National Science Foundation, Award: OCE-1848576

National Science Foundation, Award: OCE-1948842

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Award: 80NSSC21K1654

NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program, Award: 101813-Z7554214

Simons Foundation, Award: 724483

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Award: T32AI141346

National Science Foundation, Award: OCE-1045966

National Science Foundation, Award: OCE-1258836

NOAA Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies, Award: NA19NES4320002