Shortgrass prairie (Colorado, USA) and northern mixedgrass prairie (Wyoming, USA) species traits
Data files
Dec 12, 2023 version files 1.04 MB
These data support Mueller et al. 2023, entitled "Coordination of leaf, root, and seed traits shows the importance of whole plant economics in two semiarid grasslands."
Uncertainty persists within trait-based ecology, partly because few studies assess multiple axes of functional variation and their effect on plant performance. For 55 species from two semiarid grasslands, we quantified: i) covariation between economic traits of leaves and absorptive roots, ii) covariation among economic traits, plant height, leaf size, and seed mass, and iii) relationships between these traits and species’ abundance. Pairs of analogous leaf and root traits were at least weakly positively correlated (e.g., SLA and SRL). Two pairs of such traits, N content and DMC of leaves and roots, were at least moderately correlated (r>0.5) whether species were grouped by site, taxonomic group and growth form, or life history. Root diameter was positively correlated with seed mass for all groups of species except annuals and monocots. Species with higher LDMC tended to be more abundant (r=0.63). Annuals with larger seeds were more abundant (r=0.69). Compared to global-scale syntheses with many observations from mesic ecosystems, we observed stronger correlations between analogous leaf and root traits, weaker correlations between SLA and leaf N, and stronger correlations between SRL and root N. In dry grasslands, plant persistence may require coordination of above- and belowground traits, and dense tissues may facilitate dominance.
Title of Dataset: Shortgrass prairie (Colorado, USA) and northern mixedgrass prairie (Wyoming, USA) species traits
Uncertainty persists within trait-based ecology, partly because few studies assess multiple axes of functional variation and their effect on plant performance. For 55 species from two semiarid grasslands, we quantified: i) covariation between economic traits of leaves and absorptive roots, ii) covariation among economic traits, plant height, leaf size, and seed mass, and iii) relationships between these traits and species abundance. Pairs of analogous leaf and root traits were at least weakly positively correlated (e.g., SLA and SRL). Two pairs of such traits, N content and DMC of leaves and roots, were at least moderately correlated (r>0.5) whether species were grouped by site, taxonomic group and growth form, or life history. Root diameter was positively correlated with seed mass for all groups of species except annuals and monocots. Species with higher LDMC tended to be more abundant (r=0.63). Annuals with larger seeds were more abundant (r=0.69). Compared to global-scale syntheses with many observations from mesic ecosystems, we observed stronger correlations between analogous leaf and root traits, weaker correlations between SLA and leaf N, and stronger correlations between SRL and root N. In dry grasslands, plant persistence may require coordination of above- and belowground traits, and dense tissues may facilitate dominance.
Description of the Data and file structure:
This dataset and data dictionary are available in comma-delimited format. They are supplement to: Mueller et al. 2023. Coordination of leaf, root, and seed traits shows the importance of whole plant economics in two semiarid grasslands. New Phytologist.
The locations of trait data collections are from two sites:
- Shortgrass steppe (Colorado, USA): Latitude 41.183333, Longitude -104.9
- Northern mixedgrass prairie (Wyoming, USA): Latitude 40.1083333, Longitude -104.71667
Detailed information on collections of measurements and statistical analysis can be found in the manuscript.
The dataset is accompanied by a data dictionary.
Unavailable data flag: NA indicates (1) Sampling date not recorded; (2) Trait was not measured; or (3) Trait value was identified as an extreme statistical outlier or otherwise deemed unreliable due to methodological error.
Sharing/access Information
This work is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication license.
These data are related to: Blumenthal, Dana; Kray, Julie; Mueller, Kevin; Ocheltree, Troy (2020), Shortgrass steppe and northern mixedgrass prairie plant species traits, Dryad Dataset,
Note that this dataset also includes additional traits and species beyond those presented in the Blumenthal et al. 2020 reference.
We typically sampled 5-10 replicate individuals per species, depending upon the trait. For most traits, we sampled during flowering, thereby standardizing each measurement by plant developmental stage. For leaf osmotic potential, which can vary as water availability changes within a growing season, we constrained our sampling campaigns to 3-4 week periods of favorable soil moisture conditions when species diversity was at its seasonal maximum. The majority of traits were measured in mixedgrass in 2013 and shortgrass in 2014. Exceptions were plant height (measured in 2015 at both sites), leaf osmotic potential (measured in mixedgrass in 2015 and shortgrass in 2017), seed mass (measured in 2014-15 and 2017 at both sites), and absorptive root traits (measured in mixedgrass in 2016 and shortgrass in 2018). For all root traits, we subsampled absorptive root tissues as intact, mature root branches from field-harvested plant root systems. Absorptive root branches were subsampled using the following criteria: a. Roots < 2 mm diameter; b. Roots < 5th order. 1st and 2nd order roots will always be included. 3rd order roots will generally be included, unless they are clearly for transport or structure. 4th order roots will sometimes be included if (i) color or texture indicates that they are primarily absorptive and/or (ii) they have many lateral branches.