Algal symbiont diversity in Acropora muricata from the extreme reef of Bouraké associated with resistance to coral bleaching
Data files
Oct 17, 2023 version files 5.11 MB
Widespread coral bleaching has generally been linked to high water temperatures at larger geographic scale. However, teh bleaching response can be highly variable aming individuals of the same species, between different species, and across localities; what causes this variability remais unresolved. Here, we tracked bleached and non-bleached colonies of Acropora muricata to see if they recovered or died following a stress event inside the semi-enclosed lagoon of Bouraké (New Caledonia), where corals are long-term acclimatized to extreme conditions of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen, and at a nearby control reef. We describe Symbiodiniaceae community changes, metabolic responses, and energetical reserves (12 physiological traits evaluated) during La Niña warm and rainy summer in 2021. Widespread coral bleaching (score 1 and 2 on coral colour health chart) was observed only in Bouraké, likely due to the combination of the high temperatures (up to 32 oC) and heavy rain. All colonies (i.e., Bouraké and reference site) had Cladocopium as their main genera. Unbleached colonies in Bouraké had a specific ITS2-type profile (proxies for Symbiodiniaceae genotypes), while the bleached colonies in Bouraké had the same ITS2-type profile of control colonies during the stress event. After four months, teh few bleached colonies thata survived acquired the same ITS2 type profiles of the unbleached resistant colonies. In terms of physiological performances, all bleached corals showed metabolic depression (e.g., Pgross and Rdark). In contrast, unbleahed colonies in Bouraké maintained higher metabolic rates and energetic reserves compared to control corals. Our study suggests that Acropora muricata enhanced their resistance to bleaching thanks to specific Symbiodiniaceae, while energetic reserves may increase their resilience after stress.
README: Algal symbiont diversity in Acropora muricata from the extreme reef of Bouraké associated with resistance to coral bleaching
There are four main files.
The first file (physio) reports the physiological responses of bleached and unbleached corals inhabiting the extreme semi-lagoon of Bouraké (New Caledonia).
Description of the data and file structure
File name: Gross photosynthesis
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 61 rows x 6 columns
* Pg: gross photosynthesis
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: respiration
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 61 rows x 6 columns
* R: respiration
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Pg-R
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 60 rows x 6 columns
* R: respiration
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Lipid
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 57 rows x 6 columns
* lipids mg gdw: lipid mg gdw
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: protein
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 43 rows x 6 columns
* protein_mgcm: protein mg cm-2
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: carbohydrates
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 56 rows x 6 columns
* carbs_mg gdw: carbohydrates mg gdw
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Biomass
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 57 rows x 6 columns
* Biomass: Biomass mg cm-2
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Symbiont count
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 10 KB
* Dimensions: 61 rows x 6 columns
* zooxcm: number of zooxanthellae cm-2
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Chlorophyll
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 10 KB
* Dimensions: 43 rows x 6 columns
* Chltotcm: Chlorophyll cm-2
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: ETRmax
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 57 rows x 6 columns
* ETRmax: maximum electron transport rate
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Yield
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 57 rows x 6 columns
* Yield: photosynthetic efficiency
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Growth rate
Description: data are reported in an excel file containing the relative to all physiological parameters used in this study.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 11 KB
* Dimensions: 46 rows x 6 columns
* Growth rate: growth rate
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Condition: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Origin: the site of origin
* State: defines the health status
* Time: time of sampling
File name: ITS2 results profiles
Description: data are reported in an csv file containing the total sequences defining the ITS2 type profile that have been used to produce Figure 5.
Format(s): .csv
* Size(s): 5 KB
* Dimensions: 61 rows x 21 columns
* From column 5 to 21 there are the main ITS2 type profile
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Treat: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Site: the site of origin
* Time: time of sampling
File name: ITS2 results
Description: data are reported in an csv file containing the relative sequences defining the ITS2 type of each coral individual. These data have been used to produce Figure 5.
Format(s): .csv
* Size(s): 32 KB
* Dimensions: 61 rows x 168 columns
* Variables: ITS2 type profile
* ID: the ID of the coral sample
* Treat: the category that define coral health status and provenience (BZ = Bouraké healthy, BB = Bouraké bleached; RZ = Reference healthy)
* Site: the site of origin
* Time: time of sampling
File name: Seawater temperature
Description: Seawater data temperature recorded each 10 minutes from the 1st of December 2020 to the 31st of May 2021.
Format(s): .xls
* Size(s): 4.9 MB
* Dimensions: 52328 rows x 4 columns
* Temp: Seawater temperature
* month: month of data recording
* day: day of the month
* Site: site investigated
* Date: full date
File name: community_4 categories
Description: data on coral cover defined as 4 categories (Healthy, bleached, recently dead, old dead).
Format(s): .csv
* Size(s): 22 KB
* Dimensions: 721 rows x 6 columns
* Percentage: percentage of coral cover
* State: the four category used in the article (i.e., healthy, bleached, recently dead, old dead)
* Transect: number of transect
* Quadrate: number of quadrate (50x50cm)
* Site: the site of origin
* Time: time of sampling
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See the mauscript for the methods