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Early life telomeres are influenced by environments acting at multiple temporal and spatial scales

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Sep 22, 2023 version files 518.55 KB


An individual’s telomere length early in life may reflect or contribute to key life history processes sensitive to environmental variation. Yet, the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors in shaping early life telomere length is not well understood as it requires samples collected from multiple generations with known developmental histories. We used a confirmed pedigree and conducted an animal model analysis of telomere lengths obtained from nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus) sampled over a span of 22 years. We found significant additive genetic variation for early life telomere length, but it comprised a relatively small proportion (9%) of the total biological variation. Three sources of environmental variation were important: among cohorts, among breeding attempts within years and families, and among nestmates. The magnitude of variation among breeding attempts and among nestmates also differed by cohort, suggesting that interactive effects of environmental factors across time or spatial scales were important, yet we were unable to identify the specific causes of these interactions. The mean amount of precipitation during the breeding season positively predicted telomere length, but neither weather during a given breeding attempt nor date in the breeding season contributed to an offspring’s telomere length. At the residual level, level of individual nestlings, offspring sex, size, and mass at 10 days of age also did not predict telomere length. Environmental effects appear especially important in shaping early life telomere length in some species, and an array of complex more focus on how environmental factors that interactions across scales may help to explain some of the variation observed among studies.