Finding orthologs for aminoacyl tRNA synthetases in parasitic plants
Data files
Aug 02, 2023 version files 17.96 MB
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Oct 18, 2024 version files 22.74 MB
Eukaryotic nuclear genomes often encode distinct sets of protein translation machinery for function in the cytosol vs. organelles (mitochondria and plastids). This phenomenon raises questions about why multiple translation systems are maintained even though they are capable of comparable functions, and whether they evolve differently depending on the compartment where they operate. These questions are particularly interesting in land plants because translation machinery, including aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS), is often dual-targeted to both the plastids and mitochondria. These two organelles have quite different metabolisms, with much higher rates of translation in plastids to supply the abundant, rapid-turnover proteins required for photosynthesis. Previous studies have indicated that plant organellar aaRS evolve more slowly compared to mitochondrial aaRS in other eukaryotes that lack plastids. Thus, we investigated the evolution of nuclear-encoded organellar and cytosolic translation machinery across a broad sampling of angiosperms, including non-photosynthetic (heterotrophic) plant species with reduced rates of plastid gene expression to test the hypothesis that translational demands associated with photosynthesis constrain the evolution of bacterial-like enzymes involved in organellar tRNA metabolism. Remarkably, heterotrophic plants exhibited wholesale loss of many organelle-targeted aaRS and other enzymes, even though translation still occurs in their mitochondria and plastids. These losses were often accompanied by apparent retargeting of cytosolic enzymes and tRNAs to the organelles, sometimes preserving aaRS-tRNA charging relationships but other times creating surprising mismatches between cytosolic aaRS and mitochondrial tRNA substrates. Our findings indicate that the presence of a photosynthetic plastid drives the retention of specialized systems for organellar tRNA metabolism.
README: Finding orthologs of Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases in parasitic plants.
Here is the relevant output from Orthofinder run on parasitic and autotrophic plants. Additionally there are some scripts used in the analysis downstream, including finding all orthogroups with aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, running reciprocal best hit (RBH) searches in BLAST, and sorting and plotting orthologs based on length of sequence relative to Arabidopsis thaliana reference.
Description of the data and file structure
This submission has the initial output from Orthofinder: Orthogroups.tsv
This submission also has downstream code for analysis (see code section for more details)
Required metadata files to run code:
aaRS_tRNAprocessing.txt - metadata about genes of interest, including Arabidopsis thaliana ortholog TAIR identifiers, and description of sub-cellular targeting and target amino acid.
psuedogenes.txt - A list of known amino-acyl tRNA psuedogenes in Arabidopsis thaliana, based on Duchenne et. al., 2005.
aaRS_tRNAprocessing_Athal_query.txt - Just the TAIR identifiers for genes of interest, for use in Reciprocal Best Hit via BLAST+.
orthogroups_geneID.txt - metadata about genes of interest, including subcellular targeting, description, and orthogroup identifier from Orthofinder analysis. - contains amino acid sequences for each orthogroup with target genes.
Sharing/Access information
Data was derived from many publicly available datasets. See publication for details.
Orthofinder was used to find orthologous protein sequences across all species.
Emms DM, Kelly S, 2015. OrthoFinder: solving fundamental biases in whole genome comparisons dramatically improves orthogroup inference accuracy. Genome Biology 16.
Emms DM, Kelly S, 2019. OrthoFinder: Phylogenetic orthology inference for comparative genomics. Genome Biology 20.
Blast+ was used for Reciprocal Best Hit analysis:
Camacho C, Coulouris G, Avagyan V et al., 2009. BLAST+: Architecture and applications. BMC Bioinformatics 10.
Includes python scripts and a bash script used for downstream analysis and data visualization.
- Extract orthogroups of interest based on list:
python3 aaRS_tRNAprocessing_Athal_query.txt Orthogroups.tsv orthogroups_ind.xlsx
2. Obtain Reciprocal Best Hit (RBH) using blast against A. thaliana. Requires BLAST+ installed locally, and databases generated from protein annotations for each species including Arabidopsis.
for fa in ~/blastdb/_prot.fa; do aaRS_tRNAprocessing_Athal_query.txt blastdb/A_thaliana_prot.fa $fa ${fa#////} A_thaliana_prot.fa; done
3. Merge Orthogroups and RBH hits:
for f in $(ls blast_RBH*); do orthogroups_ind.xlsx $f; done
4. Extract sequences for each gene in each orthogroup and generate new fasta file. Use command line to remove psuedogenes in psuedogenes.txt Then generate multiple sequence alignments for each orthogroup in via MAFFT and put into folder alignments/
5. Use script to parse output- determine ortholog length relative to A. thaliana model orthogroup_sequences/ presence_absence_seperateoldnewmodels.xlsx
6. Plot using jupyter notebook plot_presenceabsence.ipynb
python packages required include:
Version changes
As of October 2024:
20240528: Re-did analysis but added two new sets of gene models (old models run in parallel), resulting in an entirely new Orthogroups.tsv file. Metadata file with list of aaRS/tRNA modifying enzymes is included as an example of format. For lists of other proteins from the study (i.e. riboproteins, targeting controls, organelle import machinery), please see linked publication.
- Balanophora fungosa: Genome-based models from China National GeneBank (CNGB) Sequence Archive (CNSA) accession number CNP0003054
- Sapria himalayana: Protein models directly from author of DOI: 10.1186/s12915-023-01620-3.
20240811: Altered so species name is added to name of output excel file
20240820: Altered scripts for parsing sequences by length and plotting
- Removed MAFFT alignment step (parse_after*_*, replaced with new script which just assesses length of putative ortholog relative to *A. thaliana *model without multiple sequence alignment.
- Removed analysis/ plotting of of tetrapyrole pathway, added analysis/ plotting of organelle protein import machinery- see plot_presenceabsence.ipynb
Output of Orthofinder run on protein models from parasitic and autotrophic plant species.