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Sexual dimorphism in an adaptive radiation: Does intersexual niche differentiation result in ecological character displacement?


Evolutionary radiations are one plausible explanation for the rich biodiversity on Earth. Adaptive radiations are the most studied form of evolutionary radiations and ecological opportunity has been identified as one factor permitting them. Competition among individuals is supposedly highest in populations of conspecifics. Divergent modes of resource use might minimize trophic overlap, and thus intersexual competition, resulting in ecological character displacement between sexes. However, the role of intersexual differentiation in speciation processes is insufficiently studied. The few studies available suggest that sexual niche differentiation exists in adaptive radiations, but their role within the radiation, and the extent of differentiation within the organism itself, remains largely unexplored. Here, we test the hypothesis that multiple morphological structures are affected by sexual niche differentiation in “roundfin” Telmatherina, the first case where sexual niche differentiation was demonstrated in an adaptive fish radiation. We show that sexes of two of the three morphospecies differ in several structural components of the head, all of these are likely adaptive. Sexual differentiation is linked to the respective morphospecies-specific ecology and affects several axes of variation. Trait variation translates into different feeding modes, processing types and habitat usages that add to interspecific variation in all three morphospecies. Intrasexual selection, i.e. male-male competition, may contribute to variation in some of the traits, but appears unlikely in internal structures which are invisible for other individuals. We conclude that intersexual variation adds to the adaptive diversity of roundfins, and might play a key role in minimizing intersexual competition in emerging radiations.