Known distribution of Uruguayan amphibians and environmental predictors
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Dec 13, 2023 version files 1.81 MB
Fuzzy logic modeling was employed to assess the distribution of amphibians in Uruguay using both expert knowledge and observational records. Fuzzy logic allowed for the assignment of continuous values between 0 and 1 to propositions based on fuzzy logical assumptions about the relationship between species and their environment. Models based on expert knowledge and species records were compared and combined, focusing on threatened species, those considered ubiquitous, and non-threatened/non-ubiquitous species. Results demonstrated equal or superior performance for threatened species according to expert knowledge compared to models based on species records, even when both had to classify the same set of records. Expert models predicted more restrictive favorable territories for threatened species. On the other hand, models based on observed records yielded the best-fitted models for non-threatened non-ubiquitous species and ubiquitous species. In summary, fuzzy logic proved to be an effective tool for integrating expert knowledge and observational records in species distribution modeling.
README: Known distribution of Uruguayan amphibians and environmental predictors
Database with the presence of all amphibian species in Uruguay, both according to the knowledge of experts (from polygons with presence determined by them), and according to known field records.
Description of the data and file structure
An excel is presented, with two sheets. On the first sheet, the codes of the variables used in the analytical process of modeling the distribution of the species are explained. First appears the list of species, codes (acronyms) and detailed scientific name. And, secondly, the environmental variables or predictors, codes, and description of the variables or variable names. On the second sheet, all the variables appear in the same order, first the columns of the presences (1) and absences (0) of all the species, according to both sources of information analyzed (records (Rec) and experts (Exp)). Next are the columns of the environmental variables used in the modeling process. The first column contains the ID or identifier of each grid in the country of Uruguay (10 km x 10 km) into which the study area was divided.
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- The recorded distribution, information on the geo-referenced occurrences of the species was extracted from the amphibian collection database of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic of Uruguay (Grattarola et al., 2020), and from the work of Núñez et al. (2004). According to experts sources, we considered the grid cells totally or partially contained in the range established by the experts for each species as grid cells with presence of the species (Maneyro and Carreira, 2012). 0 in the table indicate the grids without presences confirmed according to both sources of inormation, and therefore considered absences os pseudoabsences in the modelling procedure, in each case.
Data was derived from the following sources:
1. Grattarola F, Martínez-Lanfranco JA, Botto G, Naya DE, Maneyro R, Mai P, Hernández D, Laufer G, Ziegler L, González EM, da Rosa I, Gobel N, González A, González J, Rodales AL, Pincheira-Donoso D. Multiple forms of hotspots of tetrapod Biodiversity and the challenges of open-access data scarcity. Sci Rep. 2020;10:22045.)
2. Núñez D, Maneyro R, Langone J, de Sá RO. Distribución geográfica de la fauna de Anfibios del Uruguay. In: Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service. 2004.
3. Maneyro R and Carreira S. Guía de anfibios del Uruguay. In: Colección Ciencia Amiga. Uruguay; 2012.
The recorded distribution, information on the geo-referenced occurrences of the species was extracted from the amphibian collection database of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic of Uruguay (Grattarola et al., 2020), and from the work of Núñez et al. (2004). According to experts sources, we considered the grid cells totally or partially contained in the range established by the experts for each species as grid cells with presence of the species (Maneyro and Carreira, 2012). 0 in the table indicate the grids without presences confirmed according to both sources of inormation, and therefore considered absences os pseudoabsences in the modelling procedure, in each case.
1. Grattarola F, Martínez-Lanfranco JA, Botto G, Naya DE, Maneyro R, Mai P, Hernández D, Laufer G, Ziegler L, González EM, da Rosa I, Gobel N, González A, González J, Rodales AL, Pincheira-Donoso D. Multiple forms of hotspots of tetrapod Biodiversity and the challenges of open-access data scarcity. Sci Rep. 2020;10:22045.)
2. Núñez D, Maneyro R, Langone J, de Sá RO. Distribución geográfica de la fauna de Anfibios del Uruguay. In: Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service. 2004.
3. Maneyro R and Carreira S. Guía de anfibios del Uruguay. In: Colección Ciencia Amiga. Uruguay; 2012.