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Microscopy images of the effects of PDZ-RhoGEF manipulation on dendritic spines and videos of effects on PDZ-RhoGEF on mouse behavioral phenotypes


PDZ-RhoGEF is a RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the RhoA small GTPase. The purpose of these experiments is to determine the effects of PDZ-RhoGEF overexpression and knockdown on mouse behavioral phenotypes. Relevant behaviors including assessments of spatial working memory, recognition memory, social behavior, and stress coping. Herpes simplex viral vectors (HSV) were used to overexpress PDZ-RhoGEF. Knockdown of PDZ-RhoGEF was accomplished via packaging of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) into adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) against Arhgef11 (the gene that encodes the PDZ-RhoGEF protein). Viral vectors were surgically infused directly into the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of young adult male mice. Using the same HSV approach, the effects of PDZ-RhoGEF overexpression on the density and morphology of dendritic spines was also analyzed. Finally, using structured illumination microscopy (SIM), the spatial location of PDZ-RhoGEF and that of one of its direct interacting proteins, DISC1, was examined within individual dendritic spines.