Single parentage dataset for Chinook salmon
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Steele, Craig (2024). Single parentage dataset for Chinook salmon [Dataset]. Dryad.
Parentage analysis is a routine methodology in fisheries research, but study systems exist where it is impractical to sample both parents. The ability to reliably assign offspring to a single parent is beneficial in these situations. We apply single-parentage assignments to a naturally spawning population of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha to quantify production of anadromous returns by unsampled precocial males.
We use an approach that addresses two important aspects of parentage analyses: 1.) addressing the presence of family structure within the sampled parents and 2.) controlling for false-positive and false-negative assignments.
Results indicate that 30% of reproductively successful males were precocials which produced 20% of the returning anadromous offspring.
This study provides a framework for applying single-parent assignments in a salmonid study system while explicitly addressing sources of assignment errors.
README: Single Parentage in Chinook Salmon
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset contains genotypes for the Chinook salmon study system analyzed for single parentage.
It contains one collection of parents (OtsPAHS12S) and six collections of potential offspring that could have possibly originated from these parents.
The six collections of offspring include (OtsPAHS15S, OtsPAHS16S, OtsPAHS17S) which are fish sampled at the Pahsimeroi weir and then passed above the weir and (OtsPAHH15S, OtsPAHH16S, OtsPAHH16S) which are fish sampled at the Pahsimeroi weir and then used in the Pahsimeroi broodstock. Offspring of interest in this study could be found in either scenario. Offspring returned as 3, 4, or 5-year-olds and the collections reflect this timing.
Additional data include: 'Sample date' and 'Marks'. The 'Marks' data indicate whether a fish was ad-clipped (AD) or ad-intact (AI). Missing meta-data in these fields are denoted with 'N/A'.
A summary column labeled 'Data Category' indicates if the sample was of a parent or potential offspring and whether the offspring received a 2-parent or a single-parent assignment.
The genotype data are from 298 SNP loci. An additional diagnosetic SNP was used to determine the sex of the sample and is in the 'Genetic Sex' column. Missing genetic data are denoted with a '0'.
Bonneville Power Administration