Geometric morphometrics as a tool for evaluating Eublastoidea morphological variation
Data files
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Geometric morphometrics facilitates the quantification and visualization of variation in shape and proportion through the comparison of homologous features. Eublastoidea, a Paleozoic echinoderm clade with a conservative body plan, is an ideal group for morphometric analysis because their plate junctions are homologous and identifiable on all species. Eublastoids have previously been grouped taxonomically by generalized shape types (e.g., globose). These shapes are often used in taxonomic descriptions and as characters in phylogenetic analyses. The underlying homology of these broad shape types has never been explored. Herein we apply the first comprehensive use of 3D geometric morphometrics on fossil echinoderms to investigate taxonomic assignments, temporal distribution, and whether the varying proportions of skeletal elements that produce the gross thecal morphology are distinguishable. Taxonomic assignments specifically at the ordinal and family level show varying amounts of overlap in morphospace suggesting that many assignments may not be reevaluated. Our results suggest that none of the generalized shape types are distinct in morphospace and, therefore, likely do not capture the homologous changes in taxa. The plate circlet ratios showed trends specifically relating to the deltoid plate circlet, which has the most variability. We reanalyzed previous work and subset our data to be more comparable and found that there are key differences between methodologies and landmarks that will require future evaluation. Applying modern technological methods to previously explored questions allows for an updated understanding of this important fossil clade and provides a framework for others to assess fossil clades in a similar manner.
README: Geometric Morphometrics as a tool for Evaluating Eublastoidea Morphological Variation
Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Lian Anderson
Institution: University of Michigan
Address: Ann Arbor, MI USA
Email: lianand@umich.eduB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Jennifer Bauer
Institution: University of Michigan
Address: Ann Arbor, MI USA
Publication that uses the data: Anderson, L.C., Bauer, J.E. (2024). Exploring morphospace occupation by investigating underlying skeletal elements. Paleobiology.
Data derived from additional source:
Recommended citation for this dataset: Anderson, Lian; Bauer, Jennifer (2024). Geometric morphometrics as a tool for evaluating Eublastoidea morphological variation [Dataset]. Dryad.
- Note: Any blank measurements were left intentionally as the specimen was unable to be properly landmarked or was determined to be an outlier in the initial analyses, leading to the removal of the specimen from the final dataset.
- Folder contents:
A) Supplemental Material 1: All measurement data from side view analysis of eublastoid specimens. Measurements were all conducted in ImageJ and scaled in centimeters. Measurements were taken starting at the oral surface and moving aborally (toward the stem facet) in order to negate overlap of measurements. Each set of measurements was taken three times by two people (Person 1 and 2). Once this was complete, if there was disagreement or considerable variation between each Person’s set of measurements then the specimen was measured again by Person 1. Averages of lateral view measurements are provided on the second tab.
- SupplementalMaterial1_Anderson_Averages.csv
- SupplementalMaterial1_Anderson_Raw_Measurements.csv
B) Supplemental Material 2: 64 .nts files from landmarking in geomorph that were then used for analysis in R. R script used for landmarking, reading in files, and running analyses also included.
- Data (folder)
- ALLblastoidData.csv
- andBlast_footeLand_PCAcoords
- Our data .nts files (folder)
- 64 landmark files using Anderson and Bauer 2024 landmarks. Files are labeled with UMMP catalog numbers (.nts files)
- Subset data .nts files (folder)
- 54 landmark files using Foote 1991 landmarks only. Files are labeled with UMMP catalog numbers (.nts files)
- Output (folder)
- Subset_Data_PCAcoords.csv
C) Supplemental Material 3: Additional data related to various aspects of the specimens to use as a visualization tool alongside the resulting eublastoid morphospace occupation. This includes: catalog number, taxon name, taxonomic assignments, shape type, range, and generated ratios from data in Supplemental Material 1.
- SupplementalMaterial 3_Anderson_ Additional_data_for_visualization.csv
D) Supplemental Material 4: Procrustes ANOVA test results from the geomorph procD.lm function. This includes results from: the Anderson and Bauer dataset, the Anderson and Bauer dataset with subset landmarks, and the modified Foote (1991) dataset.
- Anderson_Bauer_Full_ProcD_Results.csv
- Anderson_Bauer_Subset_ProcD_Results.csv
- Foote_ProcD_Results.csv
E) Supplemental Material 5: Data modified from Foote (1991) including: .nts files for landmarks coordinates, additional visualization data related to specimens, scripts used for data processing, and output files related to outliers found.
- Data (folder)
- FooteBlastDat.csv
- Foote_nts_R (folder)
- 119 landmark files modified from Foote (1991). Files are labeled with Foote (1991) numeric assignments (.nts files)
- output (folder)
- FootePCAcoords.csv
F) Supplemental Material 6: Parameters that were found to be statistically significant from the ANOVA test were also analyzed using a pairwise comparison to better elucidate what elements were driving the significance. This is split into three sections: full data set, subset data set, and the modified Foote (1991) dataset. The value of 0 indicates complete similarity and increasing values represent two items being more dissimilar from one another.
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Alternate_Order.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Family.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Geologic_Period.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Order.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Shape_Type.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Subset_Alternate_Order.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Subset_Family.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Subset_Order.csv
- SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Total_Family.csv
G) Software: R scripts used to run analyses and produce figures for the manuscript.
- Anderson_Bauer_ProcD.R
- Script to run an ANOVA analysis using the ProcD.lm function
- Anderson_Bauer_total_code.R
- Script to place initially place landmarks, run a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA), run a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), plot the results of the PCA, and create the figures seen in the manuscript. -Foote_ProcD.R
- Script to run ANOVA analysis using the ProcD.lm on modified data from Foote (1991) -Foote_Script.R
- Script to run GPA and PCAs on modified data from Foote (1991) in addition to producing figures seen in the manuscript
- Anderson_Pairwise_Comparison.R
- Script for running pairwise analysis on the three datasets
- Relationship between files, if important: SupplementalMaterial1_Anderson_Averages.csv reports the averages of measurements documented in SupplementalMaterial1_Anderson_Raw_Measurements
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial1_Anderson_Averages.csv
Number of variables: 6
Number of cases/rows: 66
Variable List:
- UMMP Cat #: Univeristy of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Catalog Number
- Taxon Name: Genus and species of specimens
- total height: total height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- deltoid height: deltoid plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- radial height: radial plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- basal height: basal plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial1_Anderson_Raw_Measurements.csv
Measurements of specimen total height and plate circlet heights in lateral view. Heights were measured three times, denoted by the 1, 2, and 3.
- Number of variables: 15
- Number of cases/rows: 151
- Variable List:
- UMMP Cat #: Univeristy of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Catalog Number
- Taxon Name: Genus and species of specimens
- Person Measuring: Identification of person who was measuring the specimen
- Total Height 1: Measurement of total height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Total Height 2: Measurement of total height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Total Height 3: Measurement of total height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Deltoid 1: Measurement of deltoid plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Deltoid 2: Measurement of deltoid plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Deltoid 3: Measurement of deltoid plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Radial 1: Measurement of radial plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Radial 2: Measurement of radial plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Radial 3: Measurement of radial plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Basal 1: Measurement of basal plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Basal 2: Measurement of basal plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Basal 3: Measurement of basal plate circlet height of specimen in lateral view (cm)
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Number of variables: 18
- Number of cases/rows: 64
- Variable List:
- UMMP Cat #: University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Catalog Number
- Taxon Name: genus and species of specimens
- Family: taxonomic family of the specimen
- oder: ordinal assignment of the specimen
- shape.type: Anderson and Bauer assigned overall shape type
- geo.period: geologic age of the specimen
- Comp1: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp2: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp3: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp4: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- d:h: ratio of average deltoid height:average total height
- r:h: ratio of average radial height:average total height
- b:h: ratio of average basal height:average total height
- d:r: ratio of average deltoid height:average radial height
- b:r: ratio of average basal height:average radial height
- b:r+d: ratio of average basal height: the sum of the average radial height and the average deltoid height *ambulacra:pelvis: ratio of average ambulacra length: average pelvis height, where pelvis height is defined as the average total height - the average ambulacra length
- ambulacra: average ambulacra length
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: andBlast_footeLand_PCAcoords.csv
- Number of variables: 27
- Number of cases/rows: 54
- Variable List:
- UMMP Cat #: University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Catalog Number
- Comp1: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp2: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp3: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp4: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp5: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp6: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp7: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp8: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp9: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp10: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp11: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- taxon name: genus and species of specimens
- Genus: genus of specimens
- Family: taxonomic family of the specimen
- alt.order: alternative ordinal assignment based on Bather (1899) and Waters and Horowitz (1993)
- oder: ordinal assignment of the specimen
- shape.type: Anderson and Bauer assigned overall shape type
- geo.period: geologic age of the specimen
- d:h: ratio of average deltoid height:average total height
- r:h: ratio of average radial height:average total height
- b:h: ratio of average basal height:average total height
- d:r: ratio of average deltoid height:average radial height
- b:r: ratio of average basal height:average radial height
- b:r+d: ratio of average basal height: the sum of the average radial height and the average deltoid height *ambulacra:pelvis: ratio of average ambulacra length: average pelvis height, where pelvis height is defined as the average total height - the average ambulacra length
- ambulacra: average ambulacra length
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
- Number of variables: 12
- Number of cases/rows: 54
- Variable List:
- UMMP Cat #: IP[Univeristy of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Catalog Number]_subset_1_subset.nts_1
- Comp1: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp2: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp3: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp4: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp5: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp6: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp7: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp8: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp9: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp10: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp11: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial 3_Anderson_ Additional_data_for_visualization.csv
- Number of variables: 18
- Number of cases/rows: 64
- Variable List:
- IP#: [Univeristy of Michigan Museum of Paleontology Catalog Number].nts
- taxon name: genus and species of specimens
- Family: taxonomic family of the specimen
- oder: ordinal assignment of the specimen
- shape.type: Anderson and Bauer assigned overall shape type
- geo.period: geologic age of the specimen
- Comp1: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp2: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp3: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp4: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- d:h: ratio of average deltoid height:average total height
- r:h: ratio of average radial height:average total height
- b:h: ratio of average basal height:average total height
- d:r: ratio of average deltoid height:average radial height
- b:r: ratio of average basal height:average radial height
- b:r+d: ratio of average basal height: the sum of the average radial height and the average deltoid height *ambulacra:pelvis: ratio of average ambulacra length: average pelvis height, where pelvis height is defined as the average total height - the average ambulacra length
- ambulacra: average ambulacra length
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Anderson_Bauer_Full_ProcD_Results.csv
- Number of variables: 7
- Number of cases/rows: 13
- Variable List:
- Model: regression models where the dependent variable (coords, coordinates) is plotted against different independent variables
- Df: degrees of freedom
- SS: sum of squares
- MS: mean squares, sum of squares divided by degrees of freedom
- Rsq: R-squared value
- F: F-statistic
- Z: Z-score
- Pr(>F): p-value
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Anderson_Bauer_Subset_ProcD_Results.csv
- . Number of variables: 7
- Number of cases/rows: 13
- Variable List:
- Model: regression models where the dependent variable (coords, coordinates) is plotted against different independent variables
- Df: degrees of freedom
- SS: sum of squares
- MS: mean squares, sum of squares divided by degrees of freedom
- Rsq: R-squared value
- F: F-statistic
- Z: Z-score
- Pr(>F): p-value
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
Derived from Foote (1991) data
- Number of variables: 7
- Number of cases/rows: 7
- Variable List:
- Model: regression models where the dependent variable (coords, coordinates) is plotted against different independent variables
- Df: degrees of freedom
- SS: sum of squares
- MS: mean squares, sum of squares divided by degrees of freedom
- Rsq: R-squared value
- F: F-statistic
- Z: Z-score
- Pr(>F): p-value
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
Derived from Foote (1991) data
- Number of variables: 19
- Number of cases/rows: 109
- Variable List:
- code: [Foote (1991) specimen number assignment].nts_1
- Comp1: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp2: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp3: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp4: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp5: Coordinates for Component 5 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp6: Coordinates for Component 6 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp7: Coordinates for Component 7 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp8: Coordinates for Component 8 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp9: Coordinates for Component 9 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp10: Coordinates for Component 10 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp11: Coordinates for Component 11 of a Principal Component Analysis
- taxon name: Genus and species of specimens
- Genus: Genus of specimen
- Family: Family of specimen
- alt.order: Alternative ordinal assignment of specimens, based on Bather (1899) and Waters and Horowitz (1993)
- Order: Ordinal assignment of specimens
- shape.type: Anderson and Bauer assigned overall shape type
- geo.period: Geologic Period specimen is from
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
Derived from Foote (1991) data
- Number of variables: 12
- Number of cases/rows: 109
- Variable List:
- code: [Foote (1991) specimen number assignment].nts_1
- Comp1: Coordinates for Component 1 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp2: Coordinates for Component 2 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp3: Coordinates for Component 3 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp4: Coordinates for Component 4 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp5: Coordinates for Component 5 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp6: Coordinates for Component 6 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp7: Coordinates for Component 7 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp8: Coordinates for Component 8 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp9: Coordinates for Component 9 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp10: Coordinates for Component 10 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Comp11: Coordinates for Component 11 of a Principal Component Analysis
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Alternate_Order.csv
Number of variables: 5
Number of cases/rows: 6
Variable List:
- Fissiculata: one of 5 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Granatocrinida: one of 5 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Nucleocrinida: : one of 5 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Pentremitida:: one of 5 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Troosticrinida: : one of 5 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Family.csv
Number of variables: 13
Number of cases/rows: 14
Variable List:
- Codasteridae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Diploblastidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Eleutherocrinidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Granatocrinidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Hyperoblastidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Neoschismatidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Nucleocrinidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Orbitremitidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Orophocrinidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Pentremitidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Phaenoschismatidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Schizoblastidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Troosticrinidae: one of 13 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Geologic_Period.csv
- Number of variables: 4
- Number of cases/rows: 5
- Variable List:
- Devonian: one of four geologic periods used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Mississippian: one of four geologic periods used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Permian: one of four geologic periods used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Silurian: one of four geologic periods used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Order.csv
- Number of variables: 2
- Number of cases/rows: 2
- Variable List:
- Fissiculata: One of two orders used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Spiraculata: One of two orders used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Foote_Shape_Type.csv
- Number of variables: 6
- Number of cases/rows: 7
- Variable List:
- elongate globose: one of 6 shape types used for pairwise (head-to-head paris) comparison
- elongate vase: one of 6 shape types used for pairwise (head-to-head paris)comparison
- globose: one of 6 shape types used for pairwise (head-to-head paris) comparison
- godoniform: one of 6 shape types used for pairwise (head-to-head paris)comparison
- pyriform: one of 6 shape types used for pairwise (head-to-head paris) comparison
- vase-shaped: one of 6 shape types used for pairwise (head-to-head paris) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Subset_Alternate_Order.csv
- Number of variables: 4
- Number of cases/rows: 5
- Variable List:
- Fissiculata: one of 4 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Granatocrinida: one of 4 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Nucleocrinida: : one of 4 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Pentremitida:: one of 4 alternative ordinal assignments used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Subset_Family.csv
- Number of variables: 11
- Number of cases/rows: 12
- Variable List:
- Codasteridae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Eleutherocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Granatocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Hyperoblastidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Neoschismatidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Nucleocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Orbitremitidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Orophocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Pentremitidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Phaenoschismatidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Schizoblastidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Subset_Order.csv
- Number of variables: 2
- Number of cases/rows: 2
- Variable List:
- Fissiculata: One of two orders used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Spiraculata: One of two orders used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SupplementalMaterial6_Anderson_Total_Family.csv
- Number of variables: 11
- Number of cases/rows: 12
- Variable List:
- Codasteridae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Eleutherocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Granatocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Hyperoblastidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Neoschismatidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Nucleocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Orbitremitidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Orophocrinidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Pentremitidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Phaenoschismatidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Schizoblastidae: one of 11 families used for pairwise (head-to-head pairs) comparison
- Missing Data codes: NA (data not available)
Specimens were collected from the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology - Invertebrate Paleontology range. Specimens were imaged and 3D models were constructed utilizing photogrammetry. Once 3D models were produced, fixed landmarks were placed using R. Data was then analyzed using R software, producing a GPA, PCAs, running an ANOVA and pairwise statistical analysis. Additional data was provided by Dr. Michael Foote for additional comparisons. Foote's data was also analyzed in R software.