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Exploration and diet specialization in eastern chipmunks - Québec - Canada

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Mar 08, 2022 version files 78.88 KB


Individual diet specialization (IDS) is widespread and can affect the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of populations in significant ways. Extrinsic factors (e.g., food abundance) and individual variation in energetic needs, morphology, or physiology, have been suggested as drivers of IDS. Behavioral traits like exploration and boldness can also impact foraging decisions, although their effects on IDS have not yet been investigated. Specifically, variation among individuals in exploratory behavior and their position along the exploration/exploitation trade-off may affect their foraging behavior, acquisition of food items and home-range size, which may in turn influence the diversity of their diet. Here we analyzed stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in hair of wild eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus, to investigate the influence of individual differences in exploration on IDS. We found that exploration profile, sex, and yearly fluctuations in food availability explained differences in the degree of dietary specialization and in plasticity in stable carbon and stable nitrogen over time. Thus, consistent individual differences in exploration can be an important driver of within-population niche specialization and could therefore affect within-species competition. Our results highlight the need for a more thorough investigation of the mechanisms underlying the link between individual behavioral differences and diet specialization in wild animal populations.