Load vs. displacement data from compressive loading of omnidirectional wheels
This dataset includes plots of load versus displacement for compressive loading of various omnidirectional wheels. The data was used to characterize the load relaxation and stiffness of omnidirectional wheels at loading of up to 1,600 lbf. The aim of the research leading to this dataset was to determine the importance of different wheel characteristics in determining wheel performance.
README: Load vs. displacement data from compressive loading of omnidirectional wheels
This dataset includes plots of load versus displacement data obtained from static compressive loading tests on omnidirectional wheels sourced from eight different manufacturers. A compression creep/relaxation test method was employed using Instron Bluehill software to evaluate the viscoelastic behavior of the wheels. Data was collected directly from the Instron machine. The test parameters are detailed below.
Test parameters:
Instron 68FM-100
Compression creep/relax method
15 levels of loading (starting load: 200 lbf, ending load: 1600 lbf)
Holding time: 15 seconds
Replicates per load increment: 3
Tests were conducted with standard Instron compression platens.
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset includes plots from tests conducted on eight different wheel sources, organized into a total of 24 folders. Each folder is labeled according to the wheel source and replicate number. For each source, there are three wheel replicates, and each replicate contains 15 plots. Each plot illustrates the load versus displacement data from three tests conducted at a single load increment.
The folder names follow a specific convention, indicating the wheel source abbreviation and the replicate number. For example, the folder named "GR 2_Plots" contains plots from the second replicate of GTF Robots. Similarly, a plot labeled "GR 2_200 lbf_plot" corresponds to the 200 lbf test for GTF Robots wheel replicate 2.
All data is presented in English units (lbf for load and inches for displacement).
Wheel source abbreviations:
SH: Guangzhou Sanhok Hitech Co.
SD: Stardrawing International Trading (Shanghai) Co.
ML: Magliner (Rotacaster)
OT: Omnitrack (Rotacaster)
GR: GTF Robots
DZ: Dongguan Zoty Bearing Co.
HH: Henan Hengmai Industrial Automation Co., Ltd
VR: Vex Robotics
This dataset includes plots for load versus displacement from compressive loading of omnidirectional wheels. The plots were created using the Python matplotlib library.
The data was collected from an Instron 68FM. A compression creep/relax test method was used to test each wheel. The test method was as follows: the Instron quickly ramped to a specified load, held the position of the target load for 15 seconds, and then returned to zero displacement. The method was repeated three times at each target load, and there were a total of 15 target loads, starting with 200 lbf and increasing in increments of 100 lbf to 1600 lbf. Three wheel replicates were tested for each wheel source.
Wheels from eight sources were tested. See the readme file for more information about the meaning of the codes used to distinguish each wheel source.