Analysis of the occurrence of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in the winter season on the southwestern islands of Japan using the insect’s strontium radiogenic isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr)
Data files
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Spodoptera frugiperda, an invasive pest insect that targets maize and other crops, first arrived in Japan in the summer of 2019. This species occurs year-round in East Asian subtropical regions such as southern mainland China and the island of Taiwan, where the mean air temperature in the coldest month is above 10°C. Adults are similarly found throughout the year on the southwestern islands of Japan. Trap monitoring there showed continuous or intermittent S. frugiperda catches in the 3 winter seasons since 2019. However, it was difficult to distinguish between immigrants arriving from these neighboring areas and local individuals occurring on each Japanese island. In this study, the possible natal origin of captured insects on 5 small islands (Yonagunijima, Taramajima, Okinawajima, Amamioshima, and Tanegashima) was determined by investigating the strontium radiogenic isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) and comparing them with those of reference hosts and insects. Since trapping data and the 87Sr/86Sr values of trapped insects didn’t support S. frugiperda’s winter breeding on the northernmost island, Tanegashima, further analysis was limited to the 4 southern islands. The 87Sr/86Sr values of reference host plants and reared insects on the 4 islands ranged from 0.70929 to 0.71009, while those of catch insects ranged from 0.70885 to 0.71090. The 87Sr/86Sr values of the catch insects and the reference on the 4 islands did not differ significantly. In addition, the monthly averages of daily mean air temperature in January and February 2020–2022 were above 10°C, and the wind direction at the surface was mostly from the northeast or northwest. These pieces of evidence, together with winter host availability, suggested that S. frugiperda occurs year-round on the islands. In other words, the year-round occurrence area of S. frugiperda in East Asia extends to the Japanese southwestern islands below Amamioshima Island.
README: Analysis of the occurrence of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in the winter season on the southwestern islands of Japan using the insect’s strontium radiogenic isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr)
Author Information:
Naoya Hidaka1, Sachiyo Sanada-Morimura1, Gaku Akiduki1, Takashi Oyadomari2, Shinta Higa2, Kunio Kinjo2, Yuuki Ikenoue3, Ki-Cheol Shin4, Ichiro Tayasu4, Akira Otuka1
1. Institute for Plant Protection, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Koshi, Kumamoto, 861-1192 Japan.
2. Okinawa Prefectural Plant Protection Center, Naha, Okinawa, 902-0072 Japan.
3. Kagoshima Prefectural Institute for Agricultural Development, Minami-Satsuma, Kagoshima, 899-3401 Japan.
4. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Kyoto, 603-8047 Japan.
Naoya Hidaka, Institute for Plant Protection, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Kumamoto, Japan.
Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:
The research program on the development of innovative technology grants (JPJ007097) from the Project of the Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution
Data & File overview
File List:
1. Catch number of S.frugiperda.csv
2. Sr isotope ratios of reference.csv
3. Sr isotope ratios of caught insects.csv
4. Daily wind direction data.csv
5. Wind direction frequency data.csv
These files are included the raw data of catch number of S. frugiperda, Strontium isotope ratios of reference host plants and reared insects, Strontium isotope ratios of caught insects, Daily wind direction, and wind direction frequency.
Relationship between files, if important: None
Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA
i. Why was the file updated? NA
ii. When was the file updated? NA
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Catch number of S.frugiperda.csv
This data is the catch number of S. frugiperda on each island to monitor this species occurrence in winter.
1. Number of variables: 5
2. Number of cases/rows: 144
3. Variable List:
* Island: Name of the island where the sampling site was located.
* Sampling_date: Date on which S. frugiperda were sampled from pheromone traps.
* Number_of_traps: Number of pheromone traps set.
* Catch_number: Number of S. frugiperda caught by pheromone traps.
* Catch_number_per_trap: Average number of S. frugiperda caught per trap.
4. Missing data codes: None
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
6. Note: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Sr isotope ratios of reference.csv
This data is strontium radiogenic isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of reference samples (host plants and reared S. frugiperda adults) on each island.
1. Number of variables: 4
2. Number of cases/rows: 20
3. Variable List:
* Island: Name of the island where the sampling site was located.
* Sample: Type of reference sample (Host plant / Reared insect).
* Latitude, Longitude: Latitude and Longitude where the sampling site was located.
* 87Sr/86Sr_of_reference: The value of 87Sr/86Sr of the reference sample.
4. Missing data codes: None
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
6. Note: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Sr isotope ratios of caught insects.csv
This data is strontium radiogenic isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of caught S. frugiperda adults in winter on each island.
1. Number of variables: 3
2. Number of cases/rows: 64
3. Variable List:
* Island: Name of the island where the sampling site was located.
* Sampling_date: Date on which insects (S. frugiperda) were sampled from pheromone traps.
* 87Sr/86Sr_of_caught_insects: The value of 87Sr/86Sr of the caught insect sample (S. frugiperda).
4. Missing data codes: None
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
6. Note: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Daily wind direction data.csv
This is wind direction data in the coldest month (January and February) 2020-2022.
1. Number of variables: 8
2. Number of cases/rows: 178
3. Variable List:
* Year/Month/Day: Date (year, month and day) of observation. Only January and February of 2020-2022 are indicated.
* Yonagunijima Is./Taramajima Is./Okinawajima Is./Amamioshima Is./Tanegashima Is.: Wind direction is indicated on each island.
4. Missing data codes: None
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N: North / NNE: North-northeast / NE: Northeast / ENE: East-northeast / E: East / ESE: East-southeast / SE: Southeast / SSE: South-southeast / S: South / SSW: South-southwest / SW: Southwest / WSW: West-southwest / W: West / WNW: West-northwest / NW: Northwest / NNW: North-northwest
6. Note: This data is obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency. Latitude and Longitude of weather stations where wind direction data were observed on each island is below.
Yonagunijima Is.(Station name: Yonagunijima): 24.467°N, 123.010°E
Taramajima Is.(Station name: Nakasuji): 24.653°N, 124.675°E
Okinawajima Is.(Station name: Naha): 26.207°N, 127.687°E
Amamioshima Is.(Station name: Kasari): 28.430°N, 129.712°E
Tanegashima Is.(Station name: Tanegashima): 30.720°N, 130.982°E
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Wind direction frequency data.csv
This is wind direction frequency data in the coldest month (January and February) 2020-2022.
1. Number of variables: 18
2. Number of cases/rows: 15
3. Variable List:
* Island: Name of the island where the weather station is located.
* Year: Year of observation (2020-2022).
* N/NNE/NE/ENE/E/ESE/SE/SSE/S/SSW/SW/WSW/W/WNW/NW/NNW: Frequency value (%) of each wind direction.
4. Missing data codes: None
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N: North / NNE: North-noutheast / NE: Northeast / ENE: East-northeast / E: East / ESE: East-southeast / SE: Southeast / SSE: South-southeast / S: South / SSW: South-southwest / SW: Southwest / WSW: West-southwest / W: West / WNW: West-northwest / NW: Northwest / NNW: North-northwest
6. Note: This data is obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency. Latitude and Longitude of weather stations where wind direction data were observed on each island is below.
Yonagunijima Is.(Station name: Yonagunijima): 24.467°N, 123.010°E
Taramajima Is.(Station name: Nakasuji): 24.653°N, 124.675°E
Okinawajima Is.(Station name: Naha): 26.207°N, 127.687°E
Amamioshima Is.(Station name: Kasari): 28.430°N, 129.712°E
Tanegashima Is.(Station name: Tanegashima): 30.720°N, 130.982°E
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