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Metabolic cost of freeze-thaw and source of CO2 production in the freeze-tolerant cricket Gryllus veletis

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Dec 01, 2020 version files 109.12 KB


Freeze-tolerant insects can survive the conversion of a substantial portion of their body water to ice. While the process of freezing induces active responses from some organisms, these responses appear absent from freeze-tolerant insects. Recovery from freezing likely requires energy expenditure to repair tissues and re-establish homeostasis, which should be evident as elevations in metabolic rate after thaw. We measured carbon dioxide (CO2) production in the spring field cricket (Gryllus veletis) as a proxy for metabolic rate during cooling, freezing and thawing and compared the metabolic costs associated with recovery from freezing and chilling. We hypothesized that freezing does not induce active responses, but that recovery from freeze-thaw is metabolically costly. We observed a burst of CO2release at the onset of freezing in all crickets that froze, including those killed by either cyanide or an insecticide (thiacloprid), implying that the source of this CO2was neither aerobic metabolism or a coordinated nervous system response. These results suggest that freezing does not induce active responses from G. veletis, but may liberate buffered COfrom hemolymph. There was a transient ‘overshoot’ in CO2release during the first hour of recovery, and elevated metabolic rates at 24, 48 and 72 hours, in crickets that had been frozen compared to crickets that had been chilled (but not frozen). Thus, recovery from freeze-thaw and the repair of freeze-induced damage appears metabolically costly in G. veletis, and this cost persists for several days after thawing.