Precision lysimeter data: Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station
Data files
Mar 12, 2024 version files 2.75 MB
The data in this repository support the manuscript "Closing the water balance with a precision small-scale field lysimeter," currently being considered for publication at the journal Sensors. The Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station field site, located near Reno, NV, includes two constructed test beds and two lysimeters. One test bed and one lysimeter are filled with native soil from the site; the other test bed and lysimeter are filled with commercial construction sand. The lysimeters are used to directly measure evaporation from the two different soil types in order to better constrain the water balance in the test beds.
Data include meteorological data (preciptation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and net solar radiation) and lysimeter data (load cell readings, soil moisture, and sump water level readings for two lysimeters).
README: Precision lysimeter data: Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station
This dataset contains meteorological and experimental data for two small scale, precision lysimeters designed to directly measure bare soil evaporation in order to better constrain the near-surface water balance in an unsaturated soil.
Description of the data and file structure
The data in this repository represent data collected by a pair of weighing lysimeters deployed alongside two test plots. One lysimeter is filled with construction sand (sand) and the other filled with native soil (soil). The data consiste of four .csv files: lysimeter_data.csv, precipitation.csv, meteorological.csv, and calibration_data.csv.
Experiment time range:
Start date: 5/4/2021 9:15
End Date: 11/24/2021 9:00
Study Area: river-adjacent flood plain near Reno, Nevada, perviously used for agriculture.
Ecoregion: Sierra Nevada-influenced Semiarid Hills and Basins
This file includes the on-site meteorological data recorded hourly during the experiment. Sensors and datalogger are as follow:
Datalogger: Campbell Scientific Inc, CR3000, 15-minute collection interval
Precipitation Gauge: Texas Electronics, TE525MM, rainfall per tip = 0.1mm, Orifice diameter = 24.5cm, installed 3 m above grade
Air Temperature / Relative Humidity: Vaisala, temperature measurement range -40 to 60 deg C, accuracy = +/-0.6 deg C;
relative humidity measurement range 0 to 100%
typical accuracy -40 to 0 deg C = +/-5%(0-90% RH) and +/- 7% (90-100% RH)
typical accuracy 0 to 40 deg C +/-3% (0-90% RH) and +/-5% (90-100% RH)
typical accuracy 40 to 60 deg C +/-5% (0-90% RH) and +/-7% (90-100% RH)
Wind Speed: MetOne, 034B, measurement range 0 to 75 (m/s), accuracy = 0.1 (m/s)
Net Solar Radiation (Rn): Kipp & Zonen, CMP3, spectral range 300 to 2800 nm
Columns in this file are defined in a 2-row header. The first row gives variable names and the second row shows units.
[column header, [units]: [description]
timestamp, [M/D/YYYY hh:mm]: timestamp of each row of observations
Tmax, C: maximum temperature (deg. C) observed during the previous hour
Tmin, C: minimum temperature observed during the previous hour
Net_Radiation, W/m2: net long and shortwve radiation (W/m2) recorded over the previosu hour.
Wind_speed, m/s: average wind speed recorded over the previous hour
Dewpoint_T, C: dewpoint temperature calculated from average air temperature and average relative humidity over the previous hour.
Hourly ASCE stPM ETr, mm/h: ASCE standard Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration over the previous hour
Hourly ASCE stPM ETo, mm/h: ASCE standard Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration over the previous hour
Hourly FAO 56PM ETo, mm/h: UN Food and Agriculture Organization Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration over the previous hour
Cumulative ASCE stPM ETr, mm/h: cumulative ASCE standard Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration
Cumulative ASCE stPM ETo, mm/h: cumulative ASCE standard Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration
Cumulative FAO 56PM ETo, mm.h: cumulative UN Food and Agriculture Organization Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration
This file includes precipitation recorded on 15-minute intervals by the on-site meteorological monitoring station. Precipitation is recorded by the Texas Electronics TE525MM rain gauge installed 3 m above the ground at 15 minute intervals. Columns in this file are defined in a 2-row header. The first row gives variable names and the second row shows units.
[column header, [units]: [description]
timestamp, [M/D/YYYY hh:mm]: timestampe of each row of observations
PPT tips since program change, tips: cumulative number of tips of tipping bucket (tips) recorded since last datalogger update
Cumulative_Precipitation_tips, tips: cumulative number of tips of tipping bucket (tips) recorded since beginning of the experiment
Cumulative_Precipitation_mm, mm: cumulative precipitation (mm) recorded since the beginning of the experiment
This file includes the data recorded by the lysimeter datalogger at 15-minute intervals during the experiment. Sensors and datalogger are as follows:
Datalogger: Campbell Scientific Inc, CR3000, 15-minute collection interval
Load Cell: Sentran, LLC., model ZA1-25-000, rated capacity = 25 pounds, combined error = <+/-0.025 %FSO
Load Cell Temperature: thermocouple
Soil Moisture (Sand): Campbell Scientific Inc., CS616, accuracy = +/- 2%, resolution = 0.1%
Soil Moisture (Soil): Campbell Scientific Inc., CS655, accuracy = +/- 1%, resolution = 0.1%
Drain stage: Druck, 1860, 1 psi range
Columns in this file are defined in a 2-row header. The first row gives variable names and the second row shows units.
[column header, [units]: [description]
timestamp, [M/D/YYYY hh:mm]: timestampe of each row of observations
Sand_Load_cell_mV, mV: mV reading for the load cell on the sand lysimeter
Sand_Load_cell_temp, deg. C: temperature of the load cell on the sand lysimeter
Sand_drain_stage_cm, cm: stage in the 4" dimaeter drainge sump of the sand lysimeter
sand_deep_soil_moisture, volumetric %: volumetric water content in the lower half of the sand lysimeter
Soil_load_cell_mV, mV: mV reading for the load cell on the soil lysimeter
soil_load_cell_temp, deg. C: temperature of the load cell on the soil lysimeter
Soil_drain_stage_cm, cm: stage in the 4" dimaeter drainge sump of the soil lysimeter
Soil_Deep_soil_moisture, volumetric %: volumetric water content in the lower half of the soil lysimeter
Soil_shallow_soil_moisture, volumetric %: volumetric water content in the upper half of the soil lysimeter
Soil_Deep_soil_temp, deg. C: soil temperature in the lower half of the soil lysimeter
Soil_shallow_soil_temp, deg. C: soil temperature in the upper half of the soil lysimeter
This file includes the data used to calibrate the two lysimeters. The sensors are as described above in the lysimeter_data.csv entry. Columns in this file are defined in a 2-row header. The first row gives variable names and the second row shows units.
[column header, [units]: [description]
Lysimeter and Scenario, [Lysimeter Scenario]: Tells which lysimeter (sand or soil) and scenario (warm or cool) the row of data describes
timestamp, [M/D/YYYY hh:mm]: timestampe of each row of observations
Load Cell Raw, mV: raw mV reading from the load cell attached to the indicated lysimeter
Calibration added mass, g: known mass added to the indicated lysimeter using calibration standards
Load Cell Temperature, deg. C: temperature of the load cell attached to the indicated lysimeter
Sharing/Access information
Engineering drawings and fabrication details for the lysimeters can be accessed at
Meteorological data include raw data (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and net radiation) as well as calculated estimates of potential evapotranspiration.
Lysimeter data include raw data (load cell voltage measurements, soil moisture measurements, and drainage stage), as well as calibrated lysimeter measurements.
Precipitation data include tipping bucket tips since last reset and calculated cumulative precipitation since the beginning of monitoring.
Load cell calibration data include load cell voltage readings, known added mass, and calculated calibration parameters.