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Evaluation results of the xMEN entity linking toolkit for multiple benchmark datasets


This dataset contains the benchmark results of the xMEN toolkit for cross-lingual medical entity linking on the following, publicly available benchmark datasets:

  • Mantra Gold Standard Corpus (multilingual)
  • Quaero (French)
  • BRONCO150 (German)
  • DisTEMIST (Spanish)
  • MedMentions (English + machine-translated multilingual versions)

For each dataset, we evaluate the default xMEN pipeline with different steps of candidate generation and weakly-supervised and fully-supervised re-ranking on the test sets or 5-fold-cross-validation (for BRONCO150).

Users of xMEN can use these data to compare their own results to the current state-of-the-art performance on these benchmarks, when loaded through the BigBIO library.