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Data from: No effect of environmental heterogeneity on the maintenance of genetic variation in wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster

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Jul 01, 2010 version files 9.64 MB


Theory suggests that heterogeneous environments should maintain more genetic variation within populations than homogeneous environments, yet experimental evidence for this effect in quantitative traits has been inconsistent. To examine the effect of heterogeneity on quantitative genetic variation, we maintained replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster under treatments with constant temperatures, temporally variable temperature, or spatially variable temperature with either panmictic or limited migration. Despite observing differences in fitness and divergence in several wing traits between the environments, we did not find any differences in the additive genetic variance for any wing traits among any of the treatments. Although we found an effect of gene flow constraining adaptive divergence between cages in the limited migration treatment, it did not tend to increase within-population genetic variance relative to any of the other treatments. The lack of any clear and repeatable patterns of response to heterogeneous vs. homogeneous environments across several empirical studies suggests that a single general mechanism for the maintenance of standing genetic variation is unlikely; rather, the relative importance of putative mechanisms likely varies considerably from one trait and ecological context to another.