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Data from: Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe

Data files

Apr 08, 2021 version files 110.83 KB


This file correspond to the dataset that has being used in the article ‘Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe’ by Valdés-Correcher et al. 2020 published in Global Ecology and Biogeography. Variables included in the dataset :


Detailed explanation of the variables


Identity given to each oak


Identity given to each scientific and school partner

Partner type

Type of partner as there were scientific partners and also school partners


Country where the oak was sampled

Latitude and Longitude

Coordinates of the oak sampled


Date where plasticine caterpillars were installed


The survey when plasticine caterpillars were checked for predation activity


Date when caterpillars were removed from the oak

Caterpillars attacked by birds

Number of caterpillars that were attacked by birds in each survey

Caterpillars installed

Total number of caterpillars installed in each oak in each survey

Leaf damage

The percentage of leaf area that was consumed


 or mined by insect herbivores (averaged leaf damage at the oak level)

Incidence of leaf-miners

The proportion of leaves with leaf-mines

Incidence of gall-inducers

The proportion of leaves with galls


Number of leaves with mines


Number of leaves without mines


Number of leaves with galls


Number of leaves without galls


Year when oak was sampled

Spring temperature (amj)

The mean temperature from April to June

Spring Precipitation (amj)

The mean precipitation from April to June

Circumference of the tree

Circunference of the oak at 1.30m

Bird predation

Ratio of % attacked caterpillars on exposition period

Lignin (mg g⁻¹ )


Condensed tannins (mg g⁻¹ )


Hydrolysable tannins (mg g⁻¹ )


Flavonoids (mg g⁻¹ )

Leaf traits including leaf phenolics and nutritional traits

Soluble sugar (g L⁻¹)


Cellulose (g)


N:P ratio


C:N ratio