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Data from: AUTOEB: A software for systematically evaluating bipartitions in a phylogenetic tree employing an approximately unbiased test

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Jan 07, 2025 version files 35.07 MB


The core of molecular phylogeny is the inference of a tree diagram representing the evolutionary relatedness among nucleotide or amino acid sequences. In addition, evaluating the credibility of “bipartitions,” each of which splits the inferred tree into two subtrees, is an indispensable part of modern phylogenetic studies. The most popular method for examining the credibility of bipartitions in a phylogenetic tree is the bootstrap. In the maximum likelihood framework, two alternative methods for the bootstrap, UFBoot2 and SH-aLRT, are available. In this study, we propose a new software “AUTOEB,” which evaluates bipartitions in a given phylogenetic tree employing an approximately unbiased (AU) test. For each bipartition, the software generates two alternative trees from a given tree by disrupting the bipartition of interest with the minimum changes in tree topology and compares them by the AU test. In the case of either or both alternative trees failing to be rejected, the software calls the particular bipartition “unresolved” and otherwise “resolved.” We phylogenetically analyzed four empirical sequence data and demonstrated that AUTOEB can provide an alternative criterion toward bipartitions that received high support values from the pre-existed methods, and help to evade potential false interpretations based on phylogenetic trees.