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Data for: Multimodal convergence in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus: motor, sensory, and theta-frequency inputs influence the activity of single neurons


The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus of the brainstem (PPTg) has extensive interconnections and neuronal-behavioural correlates. It is implicated in movement control and sensorimotor integration. We investigated whether single neuron activity in freely moving rats is correlated with components of skilled forelimb movement and whether individual neurons respond to both motor and sensory events. We found that individual PPTg neurons showed changes in firing rate at different times during the reach. This type of temporally specific modulation is like activity seen elsewhere in voluntary movement control circuits, such as the motor cortex, and suggests that PPTg neural activity is related to different specific events occurring during the reach. In particular, many neuronal modulations were time-locked to the end of the extension phase of the reach, when fine distal movements related to food grasping occur, indicating strong engagement of PPTg in this phase of skilled individual forelimb movements. In addition, some neurons showed brief periods of apparent oscillatory firing in the theta range at specific phases of the reach-to-grasp movement. When movement-related neurons were tested with tone stimuli, many also responded to this auditory input, allowing for sensorimotor integration at the cellular level. Together, these data extend the concept of the PPTg as an integrative structure in the generation of complex movements, by showing that this function extends to the highly coordinated control of the forelimb during skilled reach to grasp movement and that sensory and motor-related information converges on a single neuron, allowing for direct integration at the cellular level.