Data from: Heterogeneous distribution of kinesin-streptavidin complexes revealed by mass photometry
Data files
Jun 03, 2024 version files 3.36 MB
Kinesin-streptavidin complexes are widely used in microtubule-based active-matter studies. The stoichiometry of the complexes is empirically tuned but experimentally challenging to determine. Here, mass photometry measurements reveal heterogenous distributions of kinesin-streptavidin complexes. Our binding model indicates that heterogeneity arises from both the kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio and the kinesin-biotinylation efficiency.
README: Data from: Heterogeneous distribution of kinesin-streptavidin complexes revealed by Mass Photometry
Data underlying Figs. 2-4 and Figs. S1-S10.
Description of the data and file structure
Data underlying Figs. 2-4, Fig. S1, Figs. S2b-S6b, and Figs. S7b-S10 are provided in .xlsx file format. Data underlying Figs. S2a and S7a are provided in .tif file format. Details below:
Figure 2.xls: data underlying Fig. 2 in the main text. This file contains three tabs.
- MassPhotometry Counts Tab:
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Counts of Kinesin (K)
- Column C: Counts of Streptavidin (S)
- Column D: Counts of K:S 0.4:1
- Column E: Counts of K:S 0.8:1
- Column F: Counts of K:S 1.6:1
- Column G: Counts of K:S 2.2:1
- Column H: Counts of K:S 3.0:1
- Column I: Counts of K:S 3.6:1
- Global Fit (red lines) Tab: red lines in Fig. 2
- Columns A and B: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of Kinesin (K)
- Column D and E: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of Streptavidin (S)
- Column G and H: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of K:S 0.4:1
- Column J and K: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of K:S 0.8:1
- Column M and N: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of K:S 1.6:1
- Column P and Q: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of K:S 2.2:1
- Column S and T: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of K:S 3.0:1
- Column V and W: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit to Counts of K:S 3.6:1
- Individual Fit (black lines) Tab: black lines in Figure 2, right panel.
- Columns A and B: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for peak iii in K:S 0.4:1
- Columns D, E, and F: Mass (kDa) and Best-fits for peaks iii and iv in K:S 0.8:1
- Columns H, I, and J: Mass (kDa) and Best-fits for peaks iii and iv in K:S 1.6:1
- Columns L, M, and N: Mass (kDa) and Best-fits for peaks iv and v in K:S 2.2:1
- Columns P, Q, and R: Mass (kDa) and Best-fits for peaks iv and v in K:S 3.0:1
- Columns T, U, and V: Mass (kDa) and Best-fits for peaks iv and v in K:S 3.6:1
- MassPhotometry Counts Tab:
Figure 3.xlsx: data underlying Fig. 3 in the main text. This file contains two tabs.
- Scatter Data Tab:
- Column A: Expected mass (kDa)
- Column B: Measured mass, mean value (kDa)
- Column C: Measured mass, standard deviation (kDa)
- Linear Fit Tab: red line in Fig. 3
- Column A: Expected mass (kDa)
- Column B: Best-fit to measured mass (kDa)
- Scatter Data Tab:
Figure 4.xlsx: data underlying Fig. 4 in the main text. This file contains three tabs.
- Scatter Data Tab:
- Column A: Kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Error bar in the relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Error bar in the relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column F: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column G: Error bar in the relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column H: Relative abundance of higher-order complex (%)
- Column I: Error bar in the relative abundance of higher-order complex (%)
- BindingModel_DashedLines Tab: dashed lines in Fig. 4
- Column A: Kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- BindingModel_BlueLines Tab: blue lines in Fig. 4
- Column A: Kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- Scatter Data Tab:
Figure S1.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S1 in the supplement. This file contains two tabs.
- ScatterData Tab:
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Interference intensity (a.u.)
- LinearFit Tab: black line in Fig. S1
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Best-fit to interference intensity (a.u.)
- ScatterData Tab:
Figure S2a.tif: gel file for Fig. S2a in the supplement.
Figure S2b.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S2 in the supplement. This file contains two tabs.
- ScatterData Tab:
- Column A: Kinesin dilution relative to Lane 2
- Column B: Kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio
- LinearFit Tab: black line in Fig. S2b
- Column A: Kinesin dilution relative to Lane 2
- Column B: Best-fit to kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio
- ScatterData Tab:
Figure S3a.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S3a in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- Counts Tab:
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Counts for Measurements 1-3
- Column C: Counts for Measurements 4-6
- Column D: Counts for Measurements 7-9
- Column E: Counts for Measurements 10-12
- Column F: Mean counts for Measurements 1-12
- Column G: Standard deviation in the counts of Measurements 1-12
- Counts Tab:
Figure S3b.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S3b in the supplement. This file contains two tabs.
- Left panel Tab: data for the left panel
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Counts for Sample 1
- Column C: Counts for Sample 2
- Column D: Mean counts of Sample 1 and 2
- Column E: Standard deviation of Sample 1 and 2
- Right panel Tab: data for the right panel
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Normalized counts of Sample 1 (%)
- Column C: Normalized counts of Sample 2 (%)
- Column D: Mean of the normalized counts of Sample 1 and Sample 2 (%)
- Column E: Standard deviation of the normalized counts of Sample 1 and Sample 2 (%)
- Left panel Tab: data for the left panel
Figure S4.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S4 in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- MassPhotometry Counts Tab:
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Counts of Kinesin (K)
- Column C: Counts of Streptavidin (S)
- Column D: Counts of K:S 0.4:1
- Column E: Counts of K:S 0.8:1
- Column F: Counts of K:S 1.6:1
- Column G: Counts of K:S 2.2:1
- Column H: Counts of K:S 3.0:1
- Column I: Counts of K:S 3.6:1
- MassPhotometry Counts Tab:
Figure S5.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S5 in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- Counts Tab:
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Counts of K:S 0.8:1
- Column C: Counts of K:S 3.0:1
- Counts Tab:
Figure S6a.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S6a in the supplement. This file contains three tabs.
- Counts Tab:
- Column A: Mass (kDa)
- Column B: Counts of Sample 1
- Column C: Counts of Sample 2
- Sample 1 Fits Tab: best-fits to Sample 1 data
- Column A and B: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak ii
- Column D and E: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak iii
- Column G and H: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak iv
- Column J and K: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak v
- Sample 2 Fits Tab: best-fits to Sample 2 data
- Column A and B: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak ii
- Column D and E: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak iii
- Column G and H: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak iv
- Column J and K: Mass (kDa) and Best-fit for Peak v
- Counts Tab:
Figure S6b.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S6b in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- Column A: Kinesin-streptavidin complex species
- Column B: Relative abundance of complex species for Sample 1 (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of complex species for Sample 2 (%)
Figure S7a_kinesin.tif: gel file for Fig. S7a (kinesin) in the supplement.
Figure S7a_streptavidin.tif: gel file for Fig. S7a (streptavidin) in the supplement.
Figure S7b.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S7b in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- Counts Tab:
- Column A: Deconvoluted mass (Da)
- Column B: Counts
- Counts Tab:
Figure S8.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S8 in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- Sheet1 Tab:
- Column A & Rows 2-102: Overall scaling for mixing ratio
- Column B-AF & Row 1: % kinesin biotinylation
- Column B-AF & Rows 2-102: Reduced 𝜒2 for each combination of the % kinesin-biotinylation efficiency and the overall scaling for the kinesin-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Sheet1 Tab:
Figure S9.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S9 in the supplement. This file contains one tab.
- Sheet1 Tab:
- Column A: Streptavidin concentration (uM)
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Error bar in the relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Error bar in the relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column F: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column G: Error bar in the relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column H: Relative abundance of higher-order complex (%)
- Column I: Error bar in the relative abundance of higher-order complex (%)
- Sheet1 Tab:
Figure S10.xlsx: data underlying Fig. S10 in the supplement. This file contains five tabs.
- 100% biotinylation Tab:
- Column A: kinein-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- 80% biotinylation Tab:
- Column A: kinein-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- 70% biotinylation Tab:
- Column A: kinein-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- 60% biotinylation Tab:
- Column A: kinein-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- 50% biotinylation Tab:
- Column A: kinein-streptavidin mixing ratio
- Column B: Relative abundance of 1-kinesin complex (%)
- Column C: Relative abundance of 2-kinesin complex (%)
- Column D: Relative abundance of 3-kinesin complex (%)
- Column E: Relative abundance of 4-kinesin complex (%)
- 100% biotinylation Tab: