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Impacts of predation risk on learning and memory of free-living mice

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Jan 28, 2025 version files 78.12 KB


In predator-prey interactions, responses to predation risk typically involve behavioural, morphological, or physiological changes. Laboratory-based studies have also shown changes in prey cognition (i.e., learning and memory), with individuals often showing impairment. However, an ecological perspective predicts that wild animals should conserve their cognitive ability, given that many risk responses require robust cognition. Here, we simulated predation risk and used a field-adapted version of the Morris Water Maze (MWM), to investigate how chronic predation risk affects cognition in wild white-footed mice. We found that 24d exposure to predation risk did not impair learning. However, those exposed to risk had a 25% reduction of short-term memory. Twelve days post risk exposure, we found no performance differences between risk-exposed and control mice. Additionally, risk-exposed mice displayed greater exploration with a higher probability of completing the MWM in their initial trial. Given that prey integrate multiple pieces of information to shape their behaviour, the lack of learning impairment and altered exploration strategies may help mice respond to predation risk. However, the tendency of memory impairment suggests there are consequences to cognition when experiencing increased predation risk.