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Data from: Phylogenomic and ecological systematics of Melocactus (Cactaceae)


Melocactus (L.) Link & Otto (Cactaceae) is a widely distributed genus in the Neotropical region and has fascinated the botanical community since the 15th century due to its unique appearance. Even though this genus has been studied for centuries, its diversification, phylogenetic relationships, and species delimitation have not been evaluated using comprehensive taxon sampling and genetic data. Here, we inferred maximum likelihood and coalescent phylogenies using the Cactaceae591 genomic dataset and investigated potential environmental variables associated with Melocactus diversification. Ancestral character reconstructions were performed using edaphic and climatic data. A well-resolved Melocactus phylogeny was estimated, allowing the redefinition of informal infrageneric groups and the taxonomic rearrangement of some taxa. The ancestral character reconstructions suggest that the observed species relationships and distribution patterns in Melocactus result from the interplay of climatic and edaphic factors, highlighting a complex evolutionary history for the genus.